Posts Tagged ‘users’

EU to go for tougher refugee stance at Turkey summit overshadowed by newspaper crackdown

At the EU-Turkey summit in Brussels on Monday, European leaders will call on Ankara to help stop refugees trying to reach Greece across the Aegean. The meeting will also likely seek to declare the so-called Balkan route closed – this is the main passageway for refugees. It stretches between Greece and wealthy Austria and Germany. […]

Resistance Retrieves Bodies of Its Martyrs in Aleppo Southern Countryside

Local Editor The Islamic resistance managed on Monday to retrieve the bodies of its martyrs in the town of Tal Hamam (Pigeon hill) in the south eastern countryside of Aleppo. Among the bodies was that of Martyr Leader Ali Fayyad (Haj Alaa), aka Alaa of Bosnia. The operation, which began Sunday overnight, was led by […]

Iran’s FM calls for tight control over Syria borders

Here is a round-up of global news developments: Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says support for terrorist groups in Syria must be cut off under any ceasefire agreement. He also called for tight control over Syria borders to prevent terrorists from recruiting militants. Zarif made the remarks at a press conference with the visiting […]

New Obama Regulations Will Make It Harder to Hire and Promote White Men

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South Korea Opens Fire As Suspected North Korean Drone Crosses Border

Aegis Anti-Missile System The situation between the two Korea’s is escalating into war as South Korea fired machine gun rounds towards the North, after a North Korean drone briefly crossed their border. The North Korean drone was flying dozens of meters (yards) south of the border and returned to the northern side following the warning […]

As Russia Targets Daesh In Syria, Reinforcements Arrive Via Turkey

Russian aircraft have conducted over 300 sorties and hit nearly 1,100 Daesh terrorist targets in Syria since the beginning of 2016, according to an announcement by the Russian General Staff on Monday. He added that terrorist groups operating in Syria continue to receive reinforcements via Turkey Sputnik reports: “With the help of the Russian aviation the Syrian Democratic […]

BRICS Not Content To Leave West With Mass Media Monopoly

Print Friendly Above Photo: Alkis Konstantinidis / Reuters “Generating information is the most important source of power today. When you generate information, you generate perception.” Those are the words of Roberto Jaguaribe, Brazil’s Ambassador to China. He was speaking at the first BRICS Media Summit which took place in Beijing on December 1. The one-day summit was proposed […]

May the Schwartz be with you: New Bavarian Police garb and helmet

     Bavaria police have received some brand new protective gear that officers will don while managing high-threat security crisis. The uniforms however – particularly the oddly-shaped helmets – have drawn some sarcastic remarks. The new gear was unveiled this week in Munich by Joachim Herrmann, Germany’s interior minister. The Class-4 protection suits featuring an overcoat […]

Israel’s Descent Into a Moral Abyss

  November 28, 2015 Did Zionists (or their Nazi proxies)  first do to Jews what they later did  to Palestinians? Ilan Pappe completes a puzzle picture that shows that both Jews and Palestinians are pawns in the  centuries-old plan for a New World Order.  Greater Israel has always been the Zionist agenda On May 24, 1948, […]

Israel’s Descent Into a Moral Abyss

  November 28, 2015 Did Zionists (or their Nazi proxies)  first do to Jews what they later did  to Palestinians? Ilan Pappe completes a puzzle picture that shows that both Jews and Palestinians are pawns in the  centuries-old plan for a New World Order.  Greater Israel has always been the Zionist agenda On May 24, 1948, […]

Who owns space? US asteroid-mining act is dangerous and potentially illegal

Gbenga Oduntan (TC) : An event of cosmic proportions occurred on November 18 when the US congress passed the Space Act of 2015 into law. The legislation will give US space firms the rights to own and sell natural resources they mine from bodies in space, including asteroids. Although the act, passed with bipartisan support, still requires […]

What do you Call the First Afghan..

What do you call the first Afghan through the Channel Tunnel? Amhere. What do you call the second Afghan through the tunnel? Amhere Azwel. What do you call the third Afghan through the tunnel? Amhere Azwell Azhim. AfghansChannel Tunnel Source Article from Views: 0

Arthur Topham and Denis Rancourt on Trial – Veterans Today

…by Jonas E. Alexis In the fall of 1890, about one hundred years after the French Revolution and forty-two years after the revolution of 1848, Father Raffaele Ballerini, author of Civilta Cattolica, predicted that the “Jewish Question” would inexorably have “economic, moral, political, and religious” implications upon all of Western culture.[1] If nations in the […]

Report: UN Staff Transported 380 Pounds of Weed, Watched and Shared Child Porn

The report, carried out by the UN Secretariat, covers the period between July 2014 and June of this year. It does not name the staff involved, their nationalities, or where the offenses took place. Perhaps most alarmingly, four UN employees were dismissed for receiving, storing, and disseminating pornographic images of minors on their official […]

Report: UN Staff Transported 380 Pounds of Weed, Watched and Shared Child Porn

The report, carried out by the UN Secretariat, covers the period between July 2014 and June of this year. It does not name the staff involved, their nationalities, or where the offenses took place. Perhaps most alarmingly, four UN employees were dismissed for receiving, storing, and disseminating pornographic images of minors on their official […]

[WATCH]: Jihadist Goes Out For Cruise On Scooter… Then Gets This HUGE Surprise From An A-10 WARTHOG

Subscribe is a website dedicated to truth and patriotism. Every single person writing on this site is a long time patriot. Don’t miss out on our breaking news! Subscribe by entering your email below. God bless America! Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – ISIS just got some bad news. I mean some REALLY BAD […]

Airbnb apologizes for San Francisco tax ads

We are in the midst of a “Mars moment.” This fall, the Matt Damon film, “The Martian,” a story about a stranded astronaut who must learn to survive on Mars, grossed a whopping $55 million at the box office in its opening … Source Article from Views: 0

Truth about 9/11 would take down the US as a global empire

     The truth about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks would not only destabilize the American political system but it would also take down the US as a global empire, an American scholar says. Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview […]

Iron And Copper Continue To Decline As China Economy Slows (Low Oil Prices Hurting Saudi Arabia)

China is indeed slowing in terms of economic growth. And taking iron and copper prices down with it. Then there is oil. Even Saudi Arabia is delaying payments to government contractors as the slump in oil prices pushes the country into a deficit for the first time since 2009. Source […]

Invader Camps: Scabies, Cholera, Dysentery, Leprosy…

Nonwhite invaders in “asylum” camps in Europe have been diagnosed with infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and even leprosy—while invaders in Germany have threatened to “burn down their tents” in protest against living conditions. According to a report in Die Welt newspaper, the situation in the already overcrowded invader camps in Germany is […]

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