Posts Tagged ‘users’

World’s Top-Ranked Crypto Exchange Adds 240,000 Users… In One Hour

World’s Top-Ranked Crypto Exchange Adds 240,000 Users… In One Hour January 11th, 2018 Binance (Cryptogon Affiliate Link) Via: Bloomberg: The world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange keeps getting bigger. Hong Kong-based is adding “a couple of millionâ€� registered users every week, with 240,000 people signing […]

Australian Banks Reportedly Freeze Accounts of Bitcoin Users

Australian Banks Reportedly Freeze Accounts of Bitcoin Users December 31st, 2017 Disclosure: I hold cryptocurrencies. — At some point, the fiat outflows will cause liquidity problems. That’s my guess as to why they fear cryptos so much. At the link below, see the comments […]

Coke Users Run Countries, Farmers Get Killed Growing It – The Empire Files

Coke Users Run Countries, Farmers Get Killed Growing It – Massacre Of Farmers In Colombia By Dark PolitricksAbby Matin On October 5, 2017, police opened fire on unarmed farmers in Tumaco, Colombia. Eight were killed, with dozens more shot. The massacre was part of a crackdown on coca farmers in the “War On Drugs” despite […]

4chan Users Find Evidence Atlanta Airport Blackout Was Part Of Intentional Cover-Up

Late last night a sudden power outage shut down the world’s busiest airport. With the outage leading to both the FAA and Atlanta’s mayor ordering the suspension and grounding of all flights going both in an out of the airport while work was done to restore power. However the internet detectives over at 4chan have […]

CANNABIS legalization a gateway to gun confiscation? Medical marijuana users told to turn in their guns

(Natural News) The Founding Fathers made it very clear that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to allow the people to defend themselves should the federal government become tyrannical and oppressive in nature. It is quite literally one of the only things standing in between individual freedom and a massive authoritarian state – that […]

Coinbase Ordered to Report 14,355 Users to the IRS

Today, Coinbase suffered a major defeat at the hands of the Internal Revenue Service, nearly a year after the case was initially filed. A California federal court has ordered Coinbase to turn over identifying records for all users who have bought, sold, sent, or received more than $20,000 through their accounts in a single year […]

Honolulu Police Say Medical Marijuana Users ‘Have 30 Days’ to Turn in Their Guns

Honolulu Police Department has been sending out letters to legal users of medicinal weed that they must forfeit their weapons, as reported by multiple news organizations. The first legal medical marijuana dispensary opened in Hawaii this August, according to the Associated Press, even though medicinal pot was first legalized in 2000. There are currently 29 […]

Google Sued Over Privacy on Behalf of 5 Million iPhone Users

Google was sued by a group of U.K. consumers over claims that the company improperly collected personal data from millions of users of Apple Inc.’s iPhone. The group, called Google You Owe Us, said in a statement Thursday that it was the first case of its kind in the U.K. against a major tech […]

Google Sued For ‘Snooping On iPhone Users’

Google is being taken to court over allegations it collected personal data of millions of unknowing iPhone users. Up to 5.4 million people in Britain could be entitled to compensation if the class action is successful. A group led by Richard Lloyd, the executive director of consumer body Which?, claims the internet giant unlawfully collected […]

YouTube’s autocomplete tool shows users ‘profoundly disturbing’ child sex results when they search for ‘how to’ videos

YouTube’s autocomplete tool shows users ‘profoundly disturbing’ child sex results when they search for ‘how to’ videos Daily Mail November 27, 2017 A shocking report has revealed that searching for the phrase ‘how to have’ on YouTube brings up a list of disturbing auto-complete results. Creepy suggestions include ‘how to have’s*x with your kids’ and […]

Google Collects Android Users’ Locations Even When Location Services Are Disabled

Google Collects Android Users’ Locations Even When Location Services Are Disabled November 21st, 2017 Shocker. Via: Quartz: Many people realize that smartphones track their locations. But what if you actively turn off location services, haven’t used any apps, and haven’t even inserted a carrier […]

Twitter Will Remove Users with Whom They Do Not Agree

Editor’s note: This annoying video by Vox, is ultimately unfavorable to free speech (Yeah, I know, what can we expect from them?), but they demonstrate at the video’s outset just how much Twitter policy has changed over the years. It has gone from an anything goes free speech advocacy platform, to an hysterical liberal madhouse. […]

Inhaler for insomniacs? Inventor of cannabis inhaler says users wake up refreshed

(Natural News) No matter what timezone you’re in, each night millions of people struggle with insomnia. However, ICANSLEEP, a cannabis inhaler, can be the answer to this sleep disorder. The product, which looks like an inhaler, can allegedly help you fall asleep in 10 minutes or less, claims the ICANSLEEP’s inventor. When used, the cannabis […]

Calorie counting is fat-shaming, according to users of new Google map app; the feature will now be deleted due to snowflakes being "triggered"

(Natural News) The only thing worse than America’s obesity epidemic seems to be the epidemic of being offended by everything. The rise of so-called “social justice warriors” seems to have risen right along with our expanding waist lines. Recently, Google unveiled a new calorie-counting feature for their ever-popular Google Maps app — and the actually […]

It Begins: Feds Demand Facebook Hand Over Info on Anti-Trump Users

By James Holbrooks Through a trio of search warrants, the Department of Justice (DoJ) is demanding Facebook hand over the personal information of potentially 6,000 of its users, it was revealed Thursday. According to CNN, which obtained court documents pertaining to the case, the DoJ warrants target the accounts of three “anti-administration activists who have spoken out at organized […]

Saudi Arabia Summons Twitter Users For Harming Public Order

Saudi Arabia has summoned a group of twitter users for “harming public order” by “influencing the integrity and moderation of the intellectual curriculum of society” through extremism. reports: On Sunday, some Twitter users were summonsed to face criminal charges for “harming public order,” Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported. The number and identities of these people as well […]

Saudi Arabia issues summons to Twitter users for ‘harming public order’ & ‘extremism’

On Sunday, some Twitter users were summonsed to face criminal charges for “harming public order,” Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported. The number and identities of these people as well as any reference to a particular group have not been specified.  READ MORE: Saudi Justice Min. defends secret court’s death sentences for 14 Shia protesters The prosecutor’s […]

Apple Goes All-In For Communist China Censorship By Banning Apps That Help Users Bypass State Censorship

In an example of situational ethics, if not outright hypocrisy, Apple appears to be helping China censor Internet content. Apparently caving to pressure from the communist government there, it has removed Virtual Private Network (VPN) software appsfrom its app store in China. The regime now requires VPN developers to obtain a license from the government pursuant […]

Half Of CBD Users Quit Prescribed Drugs & Over The-Counter Meds

A recent survey has revealed that nearly half of CBD (cannabidiol) users gave up prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications in favour of the non-psychoactive substance. Big Pharma can’t be too happy about the survey which was conducted by the cannabis market research firm the Brightfield Group in partnership with HelloMD, an online community that brings together doctors and […]

Entitlement Mentality Compilation – Entitled Welfare and Food Stamp Users

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