In Disney’s 1997 film Hercules, the Titans are portrayed as natural disasters personified in the form of monolithic, terrible beings. In Greek mythology, however, the Titans were part of the first pantheon of gods. Amongst these Titans was Hyperion, god of heavenly light. There was a great war between the Titans and the Olympian gods, […]
Posts Tagged ‘uranus’
Uranus: Greek God of the Sky and Heavens, Castrated by His Own Son!
Uranus was the Greek primordial god of the sky and heavens from whom all other gods and divine creatures later descended. Read more Section: News Myths & Legends Europe Read Later Views: 0
Uranus Entering Taurus Validates Astrology & The Zodiac: Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes & More
Next Story At the time of writing this article, Uranus had been in Taurus for less than three days and its effects have already been highly noticeable. Whenever Uranus or an outer planet changes signs, or is about to change signs, it could begin to become obvious in the weeks prior and during transition into […]
Uranus’ magnetic fields flip open and closed on a daily basis
Uranus is a strange place. Among many of its quirks is that it has the most unusual magnetic field in the solar system. Unlike Earth and many other planets, this field is not closely aligned with its rotational axis—it’s tilted by 60 degrees. Added to this is the fact that Uranus rotates on its […]
How To Help Others Spiritually Awaken
22nd January 2016 By Nanice Ellis Contributing Writer for Wake Up World It is true that the percentage of awake and awakening people is still relatively small, but don’t let appearances fool you. Everyone is somewhere on the path of awakening. Being one of the first to awaken is an immense honor, but it also comes […]
The VA in 3D: Urine Uranus (Part 5)
By Captain Eric H. May Having survived a month at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, I’m back home, where I feel safe again. In celebration I offer my readers another article in my exposes series, The VA in 3D. I’ll enjoy a bit of levity before reporting in my next article how […]