Posts Tagged ‘United States’

Ellen wants to call Australia home

Ellen and Portia talk to Tracy Grimshaw of A Current Affair at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Melbourne. Vision courtesy of Nine. TV STAR Ellen DeGeneres said she could imagine living in Australia one day as she and wife Portia de Rossi attended an exclusive cocktail party in Melbourne. “I shouldn’t put it out there, […]

Israel driving America’s ‘welfare Cadillac’

Israel, driving America’s ‘welfare Cadillac’ Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:48AM GMT 4 253 18 By Gordon Duff How does NATO and the United States deal with its “red line in Syria” being “crossed” when it is America’s own “freedom fighters” (read: “Al Qaeda = CIA”) responsible for the WMD attacks? To any American, the term […]

Unlawful Killing – Diana Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed assassination by the Jews

Discussing this banned movie has resulted in Hostgator taking action against my blog. I had no option but to remove the original content. DMCA / EUCD NOTIFICATION 1. Rights Owner(s) : ALLIED STARS FILMS 2. Rights Agent : WEB SHERIFF 3. Infringed Rights : COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK, PERFORMERS & MORAL RIGHTS 4. Infringed Artist(s) : N/A […]

What World-famous Men have said About the Satanic Jews

Introduction The Jews are the only people in the world who have found hostility in every country in which they settled in any numbers. The big question is — WHY? Today it is taught in the schools that “Anti-Semitism” began in Germany in the 1930s after which they were deported. What is not studied is […]

A globalist Jewish rat’s nest amidst the rise of Asia

A globalist rat’s nest amidst the rise of Asia. by Tony CartalucciAddendum: A description of Lowy Institute’s involvement regarding the formation of a planetary regime, as illustrated in selected articles:Regarding the climate change hoax: The [Australian] PM’s Address to the Lowy Institute via The Australian.Regarding US-Australian military integration: “Planners make the case for US bases” via The […]

US presidential debate: Mitt Romney slips up on foreign policy

Republican Mitt Romney was corrected by the debate moderator after he accused President Barack Obama of taking two weeks to call the killings at the US embassy in Libya a terrorist attack.

Ron Paul: The Real Unemployment Rate Is Over 20%!

The seasonally-adjusted SGS Unemployment Rate reflects current unemployment reporting methodology adjusted for SGS-estimated long-term discouraged workers, who were defined out of official existence in 1994. That estimate is added to the BLS estimate …

Obama’s Forgotten People: The Housing Crisis ~ 14 MILLION Abandoned Families And Growing (VIDEO)

Obama Told Bankers Today Its OK To Foreclose On American Citizens Who Bailed You Out: Billy Clinton Gave The Banks What They Wanted! According to a recent study, 9.9 million homes have been vacant since 2008 due to foreclosure. and as of 2011 that…

Iraq Buys Russian Weapons

“I thought Iraq was a United States’ client and would buy American, and if not, NATO weapons. This is the beginning of the end.”

White House Latest Video To Muslims Makes Situation Worse!

WASHINGTON (BHN) – The Obama administration scrambled Friday to repair damage done by their latest attempt to placate angry Muslims in the Middle East. Barely 24 hours after the White House’s last failed effort to reach out to the Islamic…

U.S. $80 Billion Taxpayer Bailout Of General Motors Now Becomes China Motors!

Obama Gives Green Light To China ~ Breaching National Security: U.S. Companies Being Forced Into 50-50 Agreements With China. General Motors is becoming China Motors. Forget the spin. The evidence is clear and convincing. Did U.S. taxpayers save GM fo…

Breaking => Obama Issues Executive Order Allowing Seizure of Americans’ Bank Accounts: Told Bankers Today Its OK To Foreclose On American Citizens Who Bailed You Out!

The latest executive order (EO) emanating from the White House this October, now gives Bankers the power to freeze all bank accounts and stop any related financial transactions that a “sanctioned person” may own or try to perform — all in the n…


The NAZIS Always a Jew behind anything Evil or disgusting. Always a Jew behind every flag or symbol.   Adolf Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England Jewish British NAZI Royal Queen Elizabeth’s father.   Ghislane Maxwell’s grandfather the ashkeNAZI 1917 #Russian 1000 #ruble note has a swastika #zionism #bolshevics […]

Jewish Propaganda reminiscent of Cold War: USA says Russian-made weapons are killing Syrians on ‘an hourly basis’

Syria has been invaded and raped by CIA Mi6 SAS Al Qaeda Mossad and Syrian rebels for the Jewish World Order. The criminal Jews are again behind another invasion of a middle eastern country. Jews are killing middle eastern countries just like they have been sucking dry Europe Asia America Africa for decades. The US […]

Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging – Full Movie

You Tube May 14, 2012 This video provides the facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry. These drugs are not safe and have not been on the market long enough to provide sufficient long term studies regarding their effects. These drugs do cause addiction, however most “doctors” would […]

A BBC Documentary on Vanunu Exposes Who Controls the Media in America

By Bob Johnson A British Broadcasting Corporation documentary on Mordechai Vanunu, the man who exposed the reality of Israel’s nuclear weapons programs and the stockpile of nuclear bombs it churns out, has brought to light a very critically important fact which sheds much needed light on who controls the American media. Israel’s Secret Weapon YouTube […]

CIA Secret Prison: Polish Leaders Break Silence About Black Site

CIA Secret Prison: Polish Leaders Break Silence About Black Site By VANESSA GERA 03/31/12 01:45 PM ET 837 154 WARSAW, Poland — For years, the notion that Poland could allow the CIA to operate a secret prison in a remote lake region was treated as a crackpot idea by the country’s politicians, journalists and the public. […]

Bill Gates Favors The Death Panel and Vaccines To Decrease The World’s Population

When Bill Gates, founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which provides vaccines to third world countries, promoted decreasing the population of the world and favoring the ‘death panel’, it shocked many people. ~ Video Bill Gates believes that “instead of spending millions of dollars on old people who just have months to live, […]

Fake man on the moon footage & Fake Mars rover landing

USA never ever landed on the moon or put Mars rover on Mars. If we really landed on the moon, we would not have an international space station on the edge of earths atmosphere. I wonder if we will ever get past the van allen radiation belts to land on the moon one day. NASA […]

The video that scares racist Jews

A true hebrew is a Negro. Jews are an invention. Judaism is the “religion, philosophy, and way of life” of the Jewish people.[1] Originating in the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Tanakh) and explored in later texts such as the Talmud, it is considered by Jews to be the expression of the covenantal relationship […]

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