We are now living in a world where we cannot trust any video evidence as being factual. Our enemies have the power to easily “fake” any living person. Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-uncanny-valley-forging-evidence-in-the-new-world-order/ Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘uncanny’
The New York Times’ Uncanny Comparison of a Venezuelan Opposition Leader to Martin Luther King
The corporate media reached an all-time low last week in its one-sided reporting on Venezuela. Wil H. Hylton in a lengthy article in New York Times‘ magazine section compared jailed opposition leader Leopoldo López with Martin Luther King. Throughout the article, Hylton weaves together the topic of King’s employment of civil disobedience in the struggle to […]
Equality: Man’s Most Dangerous Myth
By Dr. William Pierce (1979) All racial differences are either genetic (hereditary, inborn) or cultural (acquired from society after birth). The latter can be changed or eliminated by enforced social changes; the former are independent of man’s laws and customs, except over a period of many generations. Examples of cultural traits which differ from […]