Speaking to the media during a visit to the giant Incirlik Air Base in Turkey Tuesday, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter praised the Saudi monarchy for proclaiming a new “Islamic alliance” against terrorism. “We are happy with the alliance formed by Saudi Arabia and looking forward for the steps being taken by them against terrorism,” […]
Posts Tagged ‘una’
Ucrania, bajo la injerencia del FMI, se hunde en la recesión
Cerca de dos años después de la caída del gobierno de Yanukóvich, el FMI se ha convertido en el guía de una política económica marcada por la crisis. Parece que no importara que la política del FMI que se disemina por el mundo provoque caos social como en Grecia o en cualquier otro país, puesto […]
Canada under the Liberals: Real Change Or Nicer Sounding Rhetoric? Canada and America’s War
Sometimes my writing is reactive rather than proactive, but when the new government is just starting up is a great time to be proactive. The Liberals promised change and domestically – so far – seem to be living up to that change. What the future holds for foreign policy is yet to be determined, but […]
Wal-Mart Seeks to Test Drones for Home Delivery, Pickup
Wal-Mart Seeks to Test Drones for Home Delivery, Pickup October 26th, 2015 Via: Reuters: Wal-Mart Stores Inc applied Monday to U.S. regulators for permission to test drones for home delivery, curbside pickup and checking warehouse inventories, a sign it plans to go head-to-head with […]
Global Peace and Security: Waging “War on Terrorism” in the Middle East Even as We “Embody Terrorism”
We are waging war on terrorism even as we embody terrorism. No wonder we seem sometimes to be at war with ourselves, and have been for most of the 21st century….. No American under 12 has Lived in a Country at Peace…whatever the U.S. government knows, or thinks it knows, is not widely shared with most […]