Posts Tagged ‘UN’

Message from Wes Annac Aug 2nd

They present much food for thought today. Doesn’t it sound like life is going to be a lot more fun? The Gifting of Technology and Revelations Wes Annac is a nineteen year old walk-in with a very close relation to the Pleiadians. MessageChanneled through Wes Annac from the Pleiadian High Council Our consciousness and the […]

SaLuSa from Sirius for August 1st

Your response to the recent positive messages about the Olympics has been wonderful. A wave of great expectation has swept around the Earth, and lifted people up. Such energies carry such power that they empower the object of your vision to bring about its manifestation. This is how by focusing on the same outcome you […]

The Olympic Games is Living up to its Reputation

It’s a game, alright, and it’s no surprise that the Huffington Post is now saying the Goodyear Tire Company has claimed ownership of the UFO at the Opening Ceremonies. This happens so often when there’s a sighting publicized. Even though the blimp looks nothing like the saucer and the saucer has no blinking anti-collision lights […]

Not One but TWO UFOs at the Olympic Opening Ceremonies

Well, well, well. Life is certainly interesting these days. I wondered why, in the video I saw, the camera angle suddenly shifted from the right of the craft to the left. A lot of activity for a no-fly zone. Perhaps one was the good guys and one wasn’t… Perhaps this was the catastrophic event we […]

Update from Benjamin Fulford July 30

Ben Fulford: Why the West is Now under Nazi Rule and Why the Elite are in Denial A visit to Canada and long conversations with bankers, newspaper editors and others still living inside the “mainstream” story about world events has exposed a deliberate state of factual denial about what is really happening in the Western […]

Coded Crop Circle July 28 Jubilee Copse, Near Hannington, Wiltshire UK

QR Code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside the industry due to its fast readability and large storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. The code consists of black modules […]

Requesting Your Healing Light

As the saying goes, “What we most fear and revere will appear,” and herein lies OUR challenge. Our ten-year-old Golden Retriever, Morgan, was just diagnosed with lymphoma and I’d like to ask you to keep him in your thoughts please, as he takes on HIS latest life challenge. Morgan  has a huge personality, a great […]

Humanity’s Origins & the Pleiadian Mission

Here’s a 367-page eBook from Randolph Winters, 1994 in PDF. The Pleiadian Mission: A Time for Awareness is an “origin of the species” sort of history of mankind and fascinating background from the author’s perspective as to how Earth was seeded by the Star Nations. He discusses the creation of apes, the lost civilizations of […]

Humanity’s Origins & the Pleiadian Mission

Here’s a 367-page eBook from Randolph Winters, 1994 in PDF. The Pleiadian Mission: A Time for Awareness is an “origin of the species” sort of history of mankind and fascinating background from the author’s perspective as to how Earth was seeded by the Star Nations. He discusses the creation of apes, the lost civilizations of […]

Monty’s Message for July 29th

He makes a really good point here!  If the governments of the world maintain that there are no aliens or UFOs, why would they stage a fake alien invasion? It is exciting, my dear, that so many from all over your world are connecting with you at this most auspicious time. This is as it […]

Cautionary Note About Suggested Disclosure on August 4th

Please Watch for Snake Oil by Steve Beckow Folks, I continue to get email attributing to me the statement that Disclosure will take place on August 4. Please hear me that I’ve never made that statement and don’t consider it to be likely. Micah (1) has made that statement but surely you can see that […]

Encouraging Update from the Gaia Portal

Energetically speaking… things are looking fabulous! Keep meditating, keep visualizing and keep beaming Love to the cabal. We’re almost there. Markers Laid… Markers Met… Markers Exceeded… What has been attained upon Gaia-Eriu, from current Galactic perspectives, is quite expected, at the same time, remarkable in its rapidity and intensity. All markers set thousands of years […]

July 30 Messages from SaLuSa from Sirius and Mike Quinsey

Today we have a special personal message from Mike Quinsey with some valuable insights… you’ll find it below SaLuSa’s message. Dear Ones, as you are learning from a number of sources, the point has been reached when Divine instructions have been given that action shall be taken without delay to announce our presence. We have […]

Even the Huffington Post is Showing the Olympic UFO Video

The word is getting out to more and more people. The Pleiadians succeeded in their quest to Olympic ‘air time’ if you’ll pardon the pun, and if the visits to my blog are any indication, the world wants to know about it! So far, 4020 people ‘liked’ the Huff’s article and almost 36% so far […]

Mother in Standoff with Tank & SWAT Team to Protect her Daughter from Forced Drugging

Only in America. And I thought they couldn’t do anything worse than hold parents at gunpoint in front of their children because of refused vaccinations as they did in Maryland a few years ago. The “Law” has become lawless. Good for you, Maryanne. This may shed some light on why Ron Paul wants forced psychiatric […]

Schumer ‘Magazine Ban’ Moves to Senate Floor: New Effort to Control Americans’ Guns – July 30

From the American Militia Website. Looks like they’re trying to rush this through before the public finds out who orchestrated the Batman Shooting. I still think the cabal succeeded in putting another nail in their own coffin. Dear Drake, The wounds are still open from the Colorado shooting and already gun-grabbing politicians are trying to […]

CBS Stand on Tyranny; A Fresh Approach from the Media

This just might be one more indication that the media is opening up… they actually told it like it is—that social reform is long past due. Source   Like this: Views: 0

7 Minute Chakra Tune-up

A profoundly powerful chakra balancing meditation in only 7 minutes! Healing Sounds pioneer® Jonathan Goldman has created this new sound experience to enhance everyone’s busy life. Using powerful chakra imagery created by visionary artist Lahrinda along with Jonathan’s sounding of the sacred vowels to resonate your energy centers, this video will balance and align your […]

51 Signs of Ascension

This is a comprehensive list. How many of these 51 spiritual awakening symptoms do YOU have? Trapped or suppressed emotions often lead to dis-ease, so it’s a good thing to know how to address them. The automated narration is a little odd, but the text is below, if you prefer. By Annarita Feeling tired after […]


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