Posts Tagged ‘ugly’

RT targeted by massive DDoS attack during attempted Turkey coup

The channel was able to resume streaming, but the servers were attacked again after some time. Biggest attack on Website hit by 10 Gbps DDoS “We received a major DDoS attack when the Turkish coup started, second one from when we started streaming RT; this time HTTP headers were infested with some new code […]

Leaked Docs Reveal TTIP Trade Deal In Jeopardy As "Irreconcilable Differences" Emerge

Several weeks ago we learned that not all is well in the ongoing negotiations to impose Obama’s landmark Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement, also known as the TTIP, when unexpectedly Europe threatened to impose visas on Americans and Canadians. As we commented at the time, this latest tension may have been driven “by the […]

The Trumpster Slays The Fools Tuesday

Wins All 5 States in Tuesday’s Primaries! Jews and liberal faggots now having major heart palpitations everywhere — may pop buttplugs any minute on CNN. Lyin’ Ted seen crying the blues in a transgender-friendly john at Target. For street cred, Crooked Hillary arrested driving getaway Jag in convenience store robbery with 50 Cent and Lil’ Kim. John Kasich calls in gay staff members for “closed door meetings.” […]

Cant, Polari and Gobbledygook: The anti-languages of the anti-societies

     Could you erectify a luxurimole flackoblots? Have you hidden your chocolate cake from Penelope? Or maybe you’re just going to vada the bona omi? If you understand any of these sentences, you speak an English “anti-language”. Since at least Tudor times, secret argots have been used in the underworld of prisoners, escaped slaves and […]

The Silent Genocide – The Exploitation and Illegal Occupation of West Papua

4th April 2016 By Craig Moore Guest Writer for Wake Up World The Silent Genocide West Papua is the western half of the island of New Guinea, bordering the independent nation of Papua New Guinea. It lies just 200km north of Australia. The land comprises a large mountainous interior, forest lowlands, large areas of coastal […]

Newsletter: Using Courts To Build The Movement

Print Friendly The courts are a tool usually used by the status quo to protect their interests. The US Constitution is a property rights constitution, with human rights a secondary thought. Laws have followed the lead of the Constitution and have strengthened property rights. The worst crimes of US history have been protected by law […]

‘NYT’ article on roots of recent violence in Israel/Palestine fails to use the word ‘occupation’

The New York Times published an aesthetically engaging interactive titled “Roots of the Recent Violence Between Israelis and Palestinians” that attempts to explain the situation since October 1st. Rife with cliches and pro-Israel talking points, the piece fails to use the word “occupation” and tacitly lends support to Israel’s policy of land grabs and ghettoizing Palestinians […]

Massaging the numbers and cooking the books: Zika microcephaly link greatly exaggerated

     First, many thanks to great investigative reporter and researcher, Jim West, for help on this story. Okay, here we go. Of course, I’m talking about the Associated Press (AP)—and its recent coverage of the Zika story: January 27, “270 of 4,180 suspected microcephaly cases confirmed.” AP actually had its hands on the most explosive […]

Documenti USA/Nord Corea: Rumsfeld ha fornito nucleare a Pyongyang

Il  «segreto» Usa Il ministro Donald Rumsfeld allerta i  bombardieri atomici contro la Corea del nord a cui lui stesso  – quando era a capo dell’Abb – ha fornito tecnologie  nucleari «Donald H. Rumsfeld  diffida della Corea del nord», così dice la didascalia della  foto pubblicata ieri da The New York Times con  l’articolo in […]

Syria is the Middle East’s Stalingrad

Hundreds of thousands have died, and millions have been forced to flee abroad or have been internally displaced. In many cities and villages, not one house is left intact. But Syria is, against all odds, still standing. During the last 3 years I worked in almost all of Syria’s perimeters, exposing the birth of ISIS […]

Eleven Arrested Stretching Yellow Caution Tape

Print Friendly Above Photo: By Andrew Courtney. At Entrance Of Indian Point Nuclear Plant Note: The Indian Point nuclear power plant, located just 30 miles from New York City, was forced to shut down on December 14th due to an “electrical disturbance.” This was just days after its operational license expired. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, […]

US Accused by Iraqi Commander of Aiding ISIS – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art, Books, & Entertainment Economy & Business Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil War (1861-1865) Cold War (1947-1991) Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq War (2003-2011) Korean War […]

Dr. Duke and Pastor Dankof Prove the Zio-origin of the terrorism and genocide against the European people!

Dr. Duke and Pastor Dankof Prove the Zio-origin of the terrorism and genocide against the European people! Dr. Duke started the show with a review of the relevent history of the Middle East, from Madeline Albright’s defense of the killing of a half million Iraqi children (Dr. Duke played the quote from her interview with […]

The Devastating Impacts of the TPP Trade Deal on Vietnam

Now that the United States, Vietnam, and ten other nations have signed the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) – and the text, finally, has been released to the public – the U.S. Congress and the other countries’ legislative bodies must decide whether to ratify the agreement. Negotiations were secret, until the document was signed. Before the release […]

90% Nonwhite Violent Crime Rate: FBI

Nonwhites commit at least 90 percent of all violent crimes in America, and the least white cities are the most dangerous, an analysis of the latest Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) crime statistics has revealed. Although the FBI and the US Census Bureau does its best to deliberately hide the nonwhite crime plague—by ascribing […]

NATO’s Ugly Face

by Stephen Lendman   View it yourself! Images don’t lie, except NATO’s fake ones produced in Doha, Qatar and perhaps elsewhere on Hollywood sound stages. For months, NATO marauders and rebel killers gang raped Libya – murdering, destroying, ravaging on the pretense of protecting. On August 22, Obama, a duplicitous unindicted war criminal, described the […]

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