The law of vibration, a foundational principle in physics and metaphysics, posits that everything in the universe is in perpetual motion, resonating at its unique frequency. Acoustic levitation, on the other hand, is a fascinating scientific phenomenon that involves using sound waves to counteract the force of gravity and suspend objects in mid-air. In the […]
Posts Tagged ‘tuned’
Our music has been de-tuned to a frequency no longer beneficial to our well-being!
A Giant Leap for Palestine? Stay tuned!
Celebrating the path of resistance for the Palestinian people Image: Poster behind writer and activist Khaled Barakat says: “Vietnam — Palestine.” [courtesy of Khaled Barakat] In the interview below, Palestinian writer, researcher and activist Khaled Barakat, co-organizer of Masar Badil (The Alternative Palestinian Path Conference: Towards a new revolutionary commitment, Madrid, Spain, October-November 2021), says: We are confident […]
Millions Tuned Into the Royal Family Wedding, When We Should Be Investigating Royal Family Pedophilia…
Some ‘dark’ revelations are and have come to light, especially within the past 6 years alone. But the truth is, they’re not really so much ‘dark’ as the human mind likes to label them. At the soul level, the spiritual level, they are simply experiences, how the human mind chooses to view it is another […]
‘Distrust brings distrust:’ Iran seeks compensation from US for ‘hostile action’ over past 63 yrs
Among the “hostile actions” mentioned in the bill are the US support for the coup against the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953, aiding Saddam Hussein in the war between Iraq and Iran in the 1980s, destruction of oil platforms in the Persian Gulf in 1988, and espionage against the Islamic Republic as […]
Complex life evolved 1bn years earlier than thought, study claims from fossil find
As evolution buffs know, there were several periods in the evolution of life on Earth, from less to more complex. What has always been a matter of disagreement is exactly when the leap from simpler organisms took place. Now, according to an international, Chinese-led study, the jump actually happened 1.5 billion years ago. This means […]