Back in the States, I wondered whether the commemorations of the Six Day War in Israel would be marked by reflection and even expressions of misgivings, after 50 years of occupation, but when I got out here I saw how mistaken I was. They’re triumphalist! Below is a video I took of part of the […]
Posts Tagged ‘triumphalist’
Triumphalist light show in Jerusalem weaponizes the city walls to celebrate 50th anniversary of Jewish conquest
May 27th, 2017 Awake Goy
Triumphalist light-show on Six Day War in Jerusalem will give you goosebumps– or the heebie-jeebies
May 26th, 2017 Awake Goy
Back in the States, I wondered whether the commemorations of the Six Day War in Israel would be marked by reflection and even expressions of misgivings, after 50 years of occupation, but when I got out here I saw how mistaken I was. They’re triumphalist! Below is a video I took of part of the […]