Doomsday Prepping Is Trendy All Of A Sudden In the days before Covid, doomsday preppers were ridiculed and shunned as part of the fringe minority. Now, they’re being celebrated with their own spread in the The Wall Street Journal entitled: “Who Counts as a Disaster Prepper These Days? Lots of Us”. In the article, the Journal points out that […]
Posts Tagged ‘trendy’
Trendy Roman Era Sandals Discovered on Norway Ice Pass
It might be a controversial statement, but despite the havoc that global warming and climate change are wreaking on the world’s ice cover, there is one community of people benefiting Read more Section: Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later Views: 0
Trendy Jeans You Want to Buy
High-waist jeans are everywhere and have been for a long time. However, this new denim style is essentially the opposite of skinny jeans, replacing skinny jeans with very loose, non-stretch jeans. High-waist wide-leg jeans are often cut to the ankle, a nod to the 1970s, but don’t require platform boots to wear. Short hair allows […]
CNN is a ‘fact-free zone’ on everything from Obamacare to vaccines and even Trump
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media, as it is called, is becoming less and less trustworthy, as evidenced by its declining readership and viewership. One of the worst offenders of biased, politically lopsided and factually incorrect coverage is CNN. When reporting on everything from likely GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, to GMOs and vaccines, […]