Posts Tagged ‘trains’

World Refugee Day : Syrian Journalists, Leaving To Tell The Tale

Print Friendly Above Photo: (REUTERS/Muzaffar Salman) Journalist of all kinds – professional and non-professional, Syrian and foreign – run the risk of violence and reprisals throughout Syria. The violence, started by the government crackdown, can now come from any quarter: from government forces, from armed “opposition” groups and from radical Islamist militias such as the Al-Nusra […]

Turkey’s Erdogan lifts lawmakers’ immunity, paves way for prosecutions

Earlier in May, the Turkish parliament approved the lifting of lawmakers’ legal immunity in a secret ballot, allowing the bill to go directly to implementation, avoiding a referendum. The new law which comes amid allegations of freedom of speech violations in Turkey, is apparently aimed at Turkish lawmakers who might be supportive of the Kurds […]

Man’s Death Sentence Overturned After Jury Selection Found to Be Openly Racist

Michaela Whitton (AM) : The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the sentence of a man on death row after it ruled prosecutors deliberately kept African Americans off the jury. The crackdown on racist prosecutions saw justices vote 7 to 1 to decide prosecutors were motivated by bias when they removed black jurors from the trial […]

Elon Musk Funds $1B Project To Prevent Artificial Intelligence From Destroying Mankind

Musk and other tech giants are joining forces to fund research that will halt artificial intelligence from overtaking mankind. Elon Musk’s contributions to society know no bounds: his latest scheme is intended to save humanity from being destroyed by artificial intelligence (AI). The billionaire, known for garnering a massive amount of wealth and attention with […]

U.S. Government Officially Admit That Geoengineering Exists

The U.S. government have formerly acknowledged the existence of geoengineering, saying that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) may begin studying its effects on the climate if a proposed budget bill becomes law.  The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee proposed a budget bill which would instruct the Department of Energy to conduct research into the possibility […]

Secret Court Takes Another Bite Out of the Fourth Amendment

Defenders of the NSA’s mass spying have lost an important talking point: that the erosion of our privacy and associational rights is justified given the focus of surveillance efforts on combating terrorism and protecting the national security. That argument has always been dubious for a number of reasons. But after a November 2015 ruling […]

Power Through Deflection: A Lesson in Hypocrisy and Projection

Recently, Angelo John Gage, former Jewnited States Marine, “master” of “neuro-linguistic programming”, and former head of the (actually useful and effective) National Youth Front, deleted his Twitter profile and also his YouTube channel. A short number of days prior to doing this he had already deleted his many popular videos which advocated for White European ethnic and racial […]

Russian Intelligence: CIA is a Branch of Wall Street

A Wall Street worker currently on trial on suspicion of spying for Russia says that the CIA and other spy agencies in the U.S. routinely work through Wall Street in order to collect various pieces of economic information against other countries.  Eugene Buryakov, a former employee of Vnesheconombank, worked for Russian intelligence undercover at the bank […]

‘Mason’ Present at Brussels, Paris and Boston Terror Attacks

‘Mason’ Present at Brussels, Paris and Boston Terror Attacks March 23rd, 2016 Don’t look at me. I just work here. Via: Metro: A teenager who survived the Brussels airport attack was a block away from the Boston Marathon finish line at the time of […]

Kurds launch investigation into new ISIS ‘chemical attack’ in Iraq

Dozens of civilians and fighters in the Sinjar area suffered from nausea and vomiting after self-made missiles were fired at them on February 25, the Kurdistan Region Security Council claimed on its Twitter account. The shells supposedly contained a chemical substance that caused the symptoms, it added. The council is working on an investigation in […]

Media Refusing to Cover Police & Witness Accounts of “3 White Male Shooters” in San Bernardino

As is the case with many horrific events in recent US history, the San Bernardino shooting leaves many Americans with more questions than answers… San Bernardino, CA — On the night of December 2, after the tragic shootings at the Inland Regional Medical Center, CBS Evening News interviewed a witness to […]

Torture And State Violence From Chicago To Guantánamo

Print Friendly Above Photo: Jerica Arents, wearing a T-shirt of the alternative version of Chicago’s flag in Guantanamo, Cuba last month. (Flickr / Justin Norman) The Chicago flag is iconic. Four red stars symbolizing key events in the city’s history are surrounded by blue bars for the Chicago River. A riff on the flag was created […]

No-fly zones and surface-to-air missiles: The US looks to be getting ready for war with Russia in Syria

     As US Secretary of State John Kerry convenes with diplomats from Russia and other nations for a second round of political talks on the Syrian conflict in Vienna this weekend, it is becoming clear that Washington is gambling on a two-prong strategy. But the US gamble carries a grave risk of blowing up into […]

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