490 Shares California-based whistleblower is stepping forward and sounding the alarm on door-to-door “contact tracing” campaigns which are under way right now, justified by the coronavirus pandemic government response. These campaigns will be escalated to forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnappings of “dissenters” who refuse vaccines, we’ve learned. This video features a whistleblower we’re referring to as “contact […]
Posts Tagged ‘tracing’
Contact Tracing Whistleblower Warns of Door-To-Door Forced Vaccinations and FEMA Kidnapping Campaigns
Virus czar: Contact tracing program may not be fully operational for 2 months
Coronavirus czar Ronni Gamzu on Sunday told the Knesset that the military-run contact tracing system to cut chains of infection may not be fully operational until November 1. “The task has been transferred to the IDF, and by November 1 there will be a full and functional system to cut the chain [of infection]. It […]
Video: Undercover Investigation Reveals Contact Tracing Privacy Violations
Prostaguard Limited Advanced Release 29.95 19.95 Powerful Blend of Antioxidants & Plant Based Nutrients. All Hand Selected! Support Your Body Naturally With ProstaGuard* https://assets.infowars.com/2020/04/prostaguard_single.jpg https://www.infowarsstore.com/specials-clearance/everyday-essentials-sale/prostaguard?ims=melxa&utm_campaign=prostaguardees&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=Banner&utm_content=prostaguardees https://www.infowarsstore.com/specials-clearance/everyday-essentials-sale/prostaguard?ims=melxa&utm_campaign=prostaguardees&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=Banner&utm_content=prostaguardees Survival Shield X-2 Nascent Iodine Spray 29.95 14.95 It’s Finally Here: Introducing The First Ever Nascent Iodine Survival Shield X2 Spray. https://assets.infowars.com/2020/06/survivalshieldx-2spray-1.jpg https://www.infowarsstore.com/specials-clearance/reopen-america-back-to-school-sale/survival-shield-x2-spray?ims=jmptm&utm_campaign=x2sprayees&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=Banner&utm_content=x2sprayees https://www.infowarsstore.com/specials-clearance/reopen-america-back-to-school-sale/survival-shield-x2-spray?ims=jmptm&utm_campaign=x2sprayees&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=Banner&utm_content=x2sprayees Ultimate Fish Oil 44.95 29.65 […]
Democrats Announce COVID-19 Tracing For All Americans
Ultra 12 Limited Advanced Release 49.95 24.95 A powerful B12 formula fueled by the premium source of B12 – methylcobalamin – for TWICE the B12! https://assets.infowars.com/2020/06/front_2u12.png https://www.infowarsstore.com/ultra-12-b12?ims=lxfhk&utm_campaign=ultra124th50&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=ultra124th50 https://www.infowarsstore.com/ultra-12-b12?ims=lxfhk&utm_campaign=ultra124th50&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=ultra124th50 Ultimate Turmeric Combo 99.90 59.90 With both Bodease and our Pure Turmeric Extract, you can get all the turmeric you need for whole body support for less! […]
Google Says New “Contact Tracing” App To Launch In Coming Weeks
By Tyler Durden Shortly after launching a new contact-tracing program in Ontario, a top Google executive said in a blog post published Friday that 20 US states and territories (roughly 45% of the country’s population) are “exploring” using the tool Google built with Apple to create new contact-tracing programs, and that the new apps are […]
Shady COVID Contact Tracing Firm Is Google Partner – Connected To Soros, Clintons, Gates
785 Shares Some Republicans are voicing concern after Texas state health officials granted a $295 million Coronavirus Contact Tracing deal to MTX Group, a firm run by a man named Das Nobel, which faces criticism for previous work it did for the state of Kentucky. It turns out the firm is a partner of Google, NATIONAL FILE […]
Shady COVID Contact Tracing Firm Is Google Partner – Connected To Soros, Clintons, Gates
785 Shares Some Republicans are voicing concern after Texas state health officials granted a $295 million Coronavirus Contact Tracing deal to MTX Group, a firm run by a man named Das Nobel, which faces criticism for previous work it did for the state of Kentucky. It turns out the firm is a partner of Google, NATIONAL FILE […]
Tracing the Tribe of Dan Throughout History
The flaming sword of Judgment. Excellent presentation about the Tribe of Dan by Truth Vids: [embedded content] Robert Sepher on the Irish and Scots. He is unaware of Israelite origin of the Irish and Scots, but his history is accurate from a secular point of view and verifies the Identity position. [embedded content] Please also […]
Tracing ISIS’ Arms Supply Chain – Back to the US
In mid-September, Spleeters flew to Baghdad, where he met up with al-Hakim and then, under the protection of an Iraqi army convoy of gun trucks, drove nine hours north along highways only recently cleared of IEDs. The final stretch of road to Tal Afar was lonesome and scorched, cut by underground detonations at every culvert, […]
TIMELINE OF JEWISH EVENTS FROM 3+ MILLION YEARS AGO TO TODAY – TRACING THE ORIGINS OF THE TORAH + MOSES & HIS FIVE BOOKS + TALMUD + KABALLAH + WARS + POLITICS + REGIMES 3,200,000 BCE-3,000 BCE or 3.4 million years and the transition out of the Stone Age occurred between 6,000 BCE and 2,500 […]
UK keeps quiet on Israeli officer’s detention
Asa Winstanley Rights and Accountability 16 December 2015 The UK government refused to deny on Wednesday reports that an Israeli army officer had been briefly detained at an airport over Gaza war crimes allegations. Israeli news website Ynet on Sunday said the unnamed soldier had been “detained upon landing in the UK a few weeks […]