At first sight, it might be a harmless parish magazine or the newsletter of a respectable society of bird-watching enthusiasts.Called The Magpie, the now-yellowing A5-size pamphlet was distributed in the late Seventies to members of an organisation called the PIE. The inside cover carries a workmanlike ‘editor’s letter’ highlighting ‘our third annual AGM, which is […]
Posts Tagged ‘Tory MP’
Russell Brand the zionist
Russell Brand is dating Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith), Jemima’s father was Sir James Michael “Jimmy” Goldsmith a billionaire financier and tycoon. Jemima has two brothers; Zac Goldsmith Tory MP who is married to Alice ROTHSCHILD, and another brother called Ben Goldsmith, who up until last year was married to Kate ROTHSCHILD Soooooo Stop playing the […]