Posts Tagged ‘terrorismo’

Mossad Role in the 2002 Deadly Bali Nightclub Blast

Mossad Role in the 2002 Deadly Bali Nightclub Blast Something reeks about the October 2002 Bali Nightclub Bombing, that is in regard to the standard story. That standard element involves the claim of an Islamic plot, a pay-back, a jihad of sorts, against evil Western nations. The Zionists were set on invading Iraq through their […]

O Congresso dos Estados Unidos dá o braço a torcer e aprova a reforma de cotas do FMI

Aparentemente, o ano de 2015 marca o início da revolução no interior do FMI. Primeiro, se aprovou a inclusão do yuan, a moeda chinesa, entre os DEG, a cesta de divisas criada em 1969 para servir de suplemento das reservas oficiais dos países-membros. Agora, graças à aprovação do Congresso dos Estados Unidos, o FMI poderá […]

Monsanto in the Dock! “Crimes against Nature and Humanity”. Rolling Back the Destructive Influence of the Global Agribusiness Cartel

And now for the good news. As the rest of the world eats denutrified, poisoned ‘food’ and capitulates to the criminal cartel of US agribusiness, as India destroys its soils with petrochemical-monocrop agriculture and looks to GMOs, as corrupt governments and regulatory bodies do the bidding of Monsanto, Russia is committed to not selling out […]

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