CIA deployed bomb techs, dog teams to D.C. on January 6, records unearthed by Judicial Watch show In a bombshell announcement, Judicial Watch says it received 88 pages of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (ATF) records from the Department of Justice (DOJ) via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing that the […]
Posts Tagged ‘techs’
CIA deployed bomb techs, dog teams to D.C. on January 6, records unearthed by Judicial Watch show
Survey: 96% of pharmacy techs report drug shortages while 45% of patients leave pharmacies without the prescriptions they want
(NaturalNews) Throughout the U.S., more people are leaving pharmacies empty-handed as drugstores are running low on supplies of critical… Source Views: 0
Cashing in on Covid: Facial Recognition and Thermal Imaging Techs Are Booming at the Cost of Your Privacy
By Robert Wheeler The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be the biggest gift possible for tyrants all across the globe. From economic power grabs made by corporations and the incineration of basic civil liberties, the ruling class has introduced itself as the arbiters and dictators of virtually all human interaction. And the surveillance industry has […]
Dr. Duke and Eric Striker: Why the Zio-Media is Silent on Black Professor Who Says Emergency Techs Should let White A—Holes like Scalise Die!
Download Today Dr. Duke and Erik Striker discussed the insane case of the black professor from Trinity College who said that white a–holes like Steve Scalise should just be left to die by paramedics because of “white supremacy and sh-t” (registered trademark) Is it a surprise that Professor Williams got his Masters and Ph.D. from […]
The Center is not Holed
A Democrat, as President, By function and by precedent, Strips the poor of social standing, Steals from babies while they’re laughing, And generally comports himself In ways enhancing corporate wealth. His party peers stand mutely by, Courting wetbacks as they dry, And generally decline to see The obvious mendacity. Republicans, on the same hand, When […]
Officials in Utah defend NSA’s role fighting cyber-attacks
The National Security Agency’s massive data center in Utah isn’t being used to store Americans’ personal phone calls or social media activity, but plays a key role in protecting the country from cyber-attacks by hostile foreign governments, U.S. Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah said Tuesday. Stewart’s comments came during a national security conference he hosted […]
Stealth squared: PAK-FA’s new angular missiles’ images pop up online
Developed by the Raduga (Rainbow) State Engineering Development Laboratory, an integral part of Russia’s Tactical Missile Munitions Corporation, these unusual-looking square section air-to-surface and antiradar cruise missiles are specifically designated for the PAK-FA 5G fighter jet and possibly for the future long-distance PAK-DA bomber. The images were posted online by website. The KH-59МК2 cruise […]