Riot police were on the scene and tear gas was deployed as protesters, many of them young people, turned up to demonstrate against the French presidential elections. Reporting from the scene, Charlotte Dubenskij got caught up in the violent commotion that followed, which saw chairs, firecrackers, bottles and other projectiles hurled at police. READ MORE: Riot […]
Posts Tagged ‘teargassed’
‘The situation exploded’: Mass brawl at Berlin refugee shelter leads to arrests (VIDEOS)
November 30th, 2015 Awake Goy
The fight, which broke out at a shelter at the disused Tempelhof airport, erupted while lunch was being served. “There were apparently many hundreds of people involved,” a police spokesperson told Reuters. A total of 830 refugees and migrants were present at the facility, and around 20 or 30 people caused the disruption, according to […]