This is a source which I have followed for a considerable time and find reliable and trustworthy . I believe he is located in Hawaii, but I could be wrong. He is also an author. A good source to bookmark/sign up for his videos. He always cites his sources, as below. IRAN ISRAEL & […]
Posts Tagged ‘synopsis’
Makia Freeman – Short synopsis looking at the big picture of what Israel is doing and who is behind it
April 18th, 2024 Awake Goy
The Protocols of Zion: Introduction and Synopsis
July 9th, 2017 Awake Goy
<![CDATA[ ]]> “There remains a small space to cross before all states of Europe will be locked in the coils of the symbolic snake, by which we symbolize our people, as in a powerful vice.” Proof the Protocols of Zion are authentic is most of it has come true. This is required reading […]
Our Proximate Future
April 30th, 2016 Awake Goy
by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (January 1986) The Spring issue of Mankind Quarterly contains a concise (pp. 261-273), lucid, and coldly objective article on Evolution and World Population by William P. Stevens of the Population Research Center. The author examines the simple and indisputable facts of biological evolution, which act uniformly on all species of […]