Stefanos Tsitsipas revealed the daily routine he follows to keep his hair healthy and shiny in statements given to the BBC. The tennis champion noted that he spends 20 minutes every day to comb his hair, while he also referred to the hair ritual he uses, which consists of olive oil, baby oil and oregano… […]
Posts Tagged ‘styling’
Tsitsipas’ daily hair routine includes 20 minutes of styling, olive oil and Greek oregano (VIDEO)
June 29th, 2022 Awake Goy
Watching The Hawks – PROFILING & STYLING with Nakeema Levy Pounds and D. Watkins
April 28th, 2018 Awake Goy
Watching The Hawks – PROFILING & STYLING with Nakeema Levy Pounds and D. Watkins Watching The [707] The TSA promised to stop profiling African American women and their hair. But, it hasnt stopped and women of color are expected to stay silent about it. Kanye West has earned the respect of Trump but is […]