Posts Tagged ‘stroke’

I Was Living The “American Dream” Then Had A Stroke At Age 30 & It Turned My Life Around

Next Story Apparently surviving a stroke that took half my eyesight and almost killed me would turn out to be one of the greatest blessings of my life. Before I get into how all that transpired, I need to give a little background on how it got to that point. Growing up, my parents took […]

Stroke Victim, Unable To Talk, Heard Doctors Discuss Selling His Organs

A stroke patient lying paralysed in hospital listened in horror as doctors told his family that he would not survive and later, among themselves, quietly discussed selling his organs for a quick buck.  Jimi Fritze, 43, heard every word but couldn’t protest because he was unable to move or speak. “Only my ears and eyes […]

Harvard-Trained Brain Scientist Had A Stroke & Figured Out The Mystery Of Life

Next Story What if your left brain suddenly shut off and only the right side of your brain were active and working? This is something that can happen when you have a stroke, and exactly what neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor experienced in 1996 — and she was conscious of it happening. Taylor’s story is not a […]

Artificially Sweetened Drinks Found To Triple Your Risk of Stroke & Dementia

By Arjun Walia Artificial sweeteners have been a controversial topic for a long time, and despite a harsh industry response, multiple studies have implicated them in a host of health issues, including diabetes and cancer. Now, a new study has emerged out of Boston University showing that drinking diet soda regularly nearly triples your risk […]

Artificially Sweetened Drinks (Aspartame, etc.) Found To Triple Your Risk of Stroke & Dementia

Next Story Artificial sweeteners have been a controversial topic for a long time, and despite a harsh industry response, multiple studies have implicated them in a host of health issues, including diabetes and cancer. Now, a new study has emerged out of Boston University showing that drinking diet soda regularly nearly triples your risk of […]

FARC leader Rodrigo Londono in hospital after stroke

nsnbc : The leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP) was hospitalized after suffering a stroke. Doctors say he is […]

Drink a Diet Coke, get a STROKE claims surprising research

(Natural News) While the serious health impact of sugary drinks like sodas and fruit juices has been recognized for some time, many people think that replacing these unhealthy drinks with artificially sweetened sodas is a safe and healthy option. Unfortunately, this is simply not true, as was once again highlighted recently in a study published […]

Trans fat ban linked to drastic drop in heart attacks and stroke, finds new study

(Natural News) A new study reportedly validates the health risks posed by trans fats. Trans fatty acids (TFAs), otherwise known as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil, is found in a lot of packaged or processed food, and is meant to improve taste and expand shelf life. Commercial food manufacturers create trans fat through an industrial […]

Tattoos may lead to HEAT STROKE by impairing your skin’s natural sweat production

(Natural News) Tattoos may increase the risk of suffering heat stroke, a small study found. To carry out the study, researchers at Alma College, Michigan used a drug called pilocarpine to induce sweating among participants, then collected the sweat samples. The first batch of samples were taken from the tattooed skin, while the other batch was […]

Try This 5 Minute Meditation For Better & More Connected Sex

Sex is an act of give and take — giving yourself fully and unapologetically and allowing the same space for your partner. Sex also creates an energetic connection between you and your partner that goes beyond the physical. The more you understand and recognize your own presence, needs and wants, the deeper the experience will […]

Swiss Tunnel’s Bizarre Satanic Ritual Opening Leaves Viewers Baffled

Founder of WorldTruth.Tv and Eddie (7428 Posts) Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV. and Both website are dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 36+ years researching Bible, History, Alternative Health, Secret Societies, Symbolism and […]

BEST OF THE WEB: Saudi Arabia Uncovered: ITV documentary exposes the West’s original ‘Islamic State’

     In what is probably a world-first, a team of British investigative journalists have put together this documentary exposing daily life inside Saudi Arabia. Public executions, including beheadings and crucifixions, ‘religious’ police enforcing Sharia law (but only on the mass of ordinary Saudis), horrendous conditions in jails teaming with political prisoners, spectacular wealth for the […]

Two LAPD Cops Charged With Rape and Forced Oral Copulation of “Desperate, Exposed Women”

Matt Reynolds | Courthouse News Service LOS ANGELES (CN) – Two veteran LAPD officers accused of sexually assaulting four women while on duty pleaded not guilty Thursday to the criminal charges. James Nichols, 44, and Luis Valenzuela, 43, were arraigned in the afternoon at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal […]

A true human being: Remembering the life and legacy of John Trudell

     John Trudell, noted activist, poet and Native thinker, walked on this morning after a lengthy bout with cancer. His family included some of his last messages to Indian country in a press release. Among them: “I want people to remember me as they remember me.” John Trudell was a Santee Dakota activist, artist, actor, […]

Obamacare Mega-Oops: Nearly one million incorrect tax forms sent out

(NaturalNews) Sometimes one can’t help but wonder if this whole Obamacare fiasco is ever going to end. It’s like a recurring bad dream…an infinite nightmare that keeps returning, with new plot twists and horrible surprises every evening. (Story by Lily Dane, republished from The Daily Sheeple) The latest blunder (to put it mildly) […]

Carbon nanotube pollutants found in human lungs

     Some potentially disturbing news out of France this week: Researchers studying the lungs of young Parisian asthma patients have found evidence that man-made carbon nanotubes are becoming a common air pollutant. Carbon nanotubes are deliberately manufactured in several industries — their unique physical properties make them useful in electronics and nanotechnology, especially. But they […]

Man Found “Cures For All Diseases” HIV, AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, STDs, Arthritis & More….. AND Has The Supreme Court Ruling To Prove It

A true healthcare reformer, who stood up against the American Medical Association in court, the list of diseases he can cure stretches to some of the most unsettling conditions people face today including: bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, Mesothelioma, acid reflux and drug addiction. Everyday it seems to become evermore clear that the human body has […]

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