Posts Tagged ‘striker’

Duke & Striker Destroy the NIghtmare Dream Act & Expose ZioMedia Brainwashing with Orwellian Label of “Hate Speech”

Download Today Dr. Duke had Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker as his guest. They talked about the war on free speech being conducted by Jewish supremacists. This is becoming an increasingly broad and desperate attack encompassing everything from domain name servers to boycotts of political donors. They also talked about how the Zio-media manipulates language […]

Dr. Duke & Striker on ZioMedia Censoring Story of Black Who Said “Kill all White People” and Killed 5 Whites.

Download Today Dr. Duke talked about the case in Kansas City where a black man set out to “kill all the white people” and wound up murdering five before he was arrested by police. Dr. Duke noted that Django Unchained star Jamie Foxx used the exact same wording on the Jewish produced Saturday Night Live […]

Dr. Duke & Striker Reveal the Real David Duke & the Real Andrew Anglin Rather than Fake Avatars of ZioMedia!

Download Today Eric Stricker joined Dr. Duke in a discussion about how the Zio media has created an avitar of David Duke which has nothing to do with reality. They then attack that avitar for being a white supremacist, when in fact it is not Dr. Duke who is the supremacist but the Jews who […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker Expose the Zio Shutdown — No Freedom of Speech for Those Who Dare to Defend White People

Download Today Dr. Duke and Eric Striker told the truth about the events in Charlottesville and the implications for the future of our civilization.They pointed to conclusive evidence that it was the Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and various communist groups, which made up a large part of the “counter protesters,” who came to initiate violence. […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker – Zio driven Opiate Epidemic & Affirmative Action as a Jewish Takeover Device!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker and a fascinating discussion on a variety of issues. They started by talking about the opiate crisis, which is taking a particularly hard toll on white men. One has to wonder what a medical profession dominated by Jews is doing by prescribing opiates to one […]

Who Runs LGBT Madness? ZioQueers! Eric Striker & Dr. Duke Expose Jewish-Led Homo Agenda!

Download Today Dr. Duke had Daily Stormer journalist Eric Stricker as his guest for the hour. They talked about the Jewish role in promoting homosexuality and sexualizing children. Mr. Stricker raised the example of the British (((press))) turning 4-year-old Prince George into a gay icon. Dr. Duke listed a multitude of Jews who have been […]

Eric Striker & Dr. Duke — Kushner as a Meme for Jewish Takeover & Alt-Right and Alt-Left Goyim Wake up to Zio-Racist Supremacism!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker talked about the fact that Jared Kushner is emerging as the least popular member of the Trump family, despite the fact that the Jewish media has given him very good press since he came to the public spotlight. They pushed the hashtag #FireKushner, as he […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker – 100 Year Anniversary of USA in Jewish Carnage of World War I & Birth of ZOG !

Download Today Dr. Duke did a show commemorating, or lamenting really, the 100th aniversary of America’s entry into World War one, which was a result of the deal struck between Lord Rothschild and British Prime Minister Lloyd George and later enshrined in the 1917 Balfour Declaration. It could be considered the birth of ZOG, or […]

Iranian striker Mehdi Taremi decides to stay at Persepolis football club

Press TV- Iranian footballer Mehdi Taremi has decided to extend his contract with the Persian Gulf Pro League club Persepolis for another season. Persepolis spokesman Pendar Khomarlou said on Monday that the 24-year-old, who also plays as a forward for the Iranian national football team, opted to play for the red-clad Tehran-based giants following protracted talks with the club’s officials. Khomarlou added that Taremi has […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker: Zio CNN Exposed & Body Slammed – the Goyim Know!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker dissected the issue of CNN threatening, blackmailing, and extorting a person who’s only was to say that Jewish people who run CNN are Jewish and run CNN. This, they understand, is extremely dangerous to them as the essence of Jewish power is the ability to […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker on ZOG and the Insane Syrian War for ISIS Dictated by Israel

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker talked about the open air melt-down of CNN for all to see, with CNN having to retract a fake news story and fire three staffers, then have own of their producers tell Project Veritas that the whole Russia story that they have been hyping is […]

Dr. Duke and Eric Striker: Why the Zio-Media is Silent on Black Professor Who Says Emergency Techs Should let White A—Holes like Scalise Die!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Erik Striker discussed the insane case of the black professor from Trinity College who said that white a–holes like Steve Scalise should just be left to die by paramedics because of “white supremacy and sh-t” (registered trademark) Is it a surprise that Professor Williams got his Masters and Ph.D. from […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker – Zionist CBS Bosses Censor Oliver Stone on Zionist Election Hacking! And SPLC Role in DC Attack!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker talked about the amazing interviews conducted by Hollywood director Oliver Stone with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin is allowed to be himself in the interviews, and no doubt the viewing audience will be impressed. Meanwhile, in an appearance on CBS’s Late Night with Stephen Colbert, […]

Dr. Duke and Eric Striker Honor the USS Liberty 50 years after Israel Terror, Comey Hearing & Zio push for War on Iran!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Stricker discussed a variety of issues, starting with the vicious Israeli false flag attack on the USS Liberty, killing 34 America sailors. They then went on to talk about the hearings in Washington where the Senate Intelligence Committee is questioning former FBI Director Comey about the […]

Israel kidnaps 11, including former hunger striker

Israeli occupation forces kidnapped on Thursday 11 Palestinians in West Bank, including former hunger striker Mohamed Allan. Local sources said that the Israeli occupation forces raided several Palestinian cities and villages across the occupied West Bank and kidnapped several Palestinian citizens. The sources said that the former hunger striker Mohammed Allan, who went for 66-day hunger […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker How the Zionist Deep State is Assassinating Trump from the Inside & the Outside!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker discussed the massive Jewish influence in the Trump administration and the Jewish responsibility for the completely unnecessary cold war with Russia. Mr. Striker pointed out that the reason for the anti-Russian foreign policy of the United States makes absolutely no sense unless you understand that […]

Dr. Duke and Eric Striker on Israel and Saudi Arabia – the Leaders of Team ISIS!

Download Today Dr. Duke had Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker as his guest for the hour. They discussed the Saudi and Israeli roles in nurturing and supporting ISIS. Dr. Duke played a clip of Vice President Bidden openly stating that Saudi Arabia and other “allies” supported ISIS. They also quoted a Daily Mail article titled […]

Duke and Striker on Israel and Saudi Arabia – the Leaders of Team ISIS!

David Duke May 26, 2017 Today Dr. Duke had Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker as his guest for the hour. They discussed the Saudi and Israeli roles in nurturing and supporting ISIS. Dr. Duke played a clip of Vice President Bidden openly stating that Saudi Arabia and other “allies” supported ISIS. They […]

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker on the Total Zio Onslaught to Destroy Trump & the America First Principle!

Download Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker talked about the Jew d’etat attempt against President Trump. The Jewish elite did everything in their power to prevent the election and inauguration of Donald Trump, and now they are pulling out all the stops to get him impeached, or at least make it impossible […]

Duke and Striker on the Total Jewish Onslaught to Destroy Trump & the America First Principle

David Duke May 19, 2017 Today Dr. Duke and Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker talked about the Jew d’etat attempt against President Trump. The Jewish elite did everything in their power to prevent the election and inauguration of Donald Trump, and now they are pulling out all the stops to get him […]

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