Hello Zionist Report Followers! As you know, our mission is to EXPOSE THE TRUTH. And, we need your help to achieve it. We are a team of two journalists that are tirelessly working on this mission. We have grown tremendously since we launched in January. And now we are looking to take our growth to […]
Posts Tagged ‘strategies’
INTERVIEW: Strategies to Fight The JWO – Brendon O’Connell & Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Dr. Duke & Pastor Dankof Expose the Phony Jewish Anti-Establishment Movement and Why They Hate and Fear the Trump Effect!
Dr. Duke & Pastor Dankof Expose the Phony Jewish Anti-Establishment Movement and Why They Hate and Fear the Trump Effect! Today Dr. Duke had Pastor Mark Dankof as his guest for the hour. They went into deep detail about the corrupt “conservative” leaders and donors, like Hank Paulson and Paul Singer, who are supporting […]
Reality Programming and the Truth of American Politics
Frank Giokas, ContributorWaking Times Do you think politics is real? In a culture gone to reality programming, with most motion pictures now released in 3-D, virtual reality machinery being released to hungry consumers – we are tested daily in our ability to discern what constitutes truth versus that which can only be […]
How to maximize your willpower as an introvert or extrovert: Being confident, charismatic, and effective
The note cards in my hands were shaking as I rehearsed the speech in my head… I was about to do my first pitch to a room of investors in my entrepreneurial career. As the clock ticked down to my turn to speak, I no longer feared being on stage…I feared having a panic […]
Our Proximate Future
by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (January 1986) The Spring issue of Mankind Quarterly contains a concise (pp. 261-273), lucid, and coldly objective article on Evolution and World Population by William P. Stevens of the Population Research Center. The author examines the simple and indisputable facts of biological evolution, which act uniformly on all species of […]
Powerful forces threaten Houston film festival to pull VAXXED documentary… ‘heavy handed censorship’ by government officials who resort to financial extortion to shut down public screening
About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]
A Man Built A Gold Pyramid In Illinois & Found Remarkable Energy
In a world now filled with outlandish and unconventional architecture, the idea of someone building a gold pyramid certainly doesn’t seem newsworthy, but the story of this Illinois man is simply remarkable. One day after stumbling across a university study suggesting that the pyramids at Giza generate energy, Jim Onan decided to test the theory by building […]
Parents now being thrown in jail in America for homeschooling their children
(NaturalNews) America the police state has become a labyrinth of rules, regulations and mandates, the amount of which is impossible to know, let alone comply with. But you know, that ol’ “ignorance of the law is no excuse” excuse wielded by faceless, un-elected bureaucrats wins out every time against the hapless, helpless citizen. […]
Today is New Hampshire Day
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 9, 2016 Today is New Hampshire day. Latest news is that Cruzman Sachs was called a “pussy.” CNN: Donald Trump on Monday night repeated the offensive term a woman attending his rally shouted in reference to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. After first calling on a woman close to the stage to […]
The Forgotten, Radical Martin Luther King Jr.
Print Friendly In Chicago in 1967, Martin Luther King delivers a speech calling for an end to fighting in Vietnam. (AP Photo/Charles Harrity) Note this is a republishing of an article Popular Resistance published in 2014. January 20, 2014 – Martin Luther King Jr. was not just the safe-for-all-political-stripes civil-rights activist he is often portrayed as today. […]
2015: The Deadliest Year in Baltimore History
Hunter WallaceOccidental Dissent January 3, 2016 Many decades ago, the United States ceased to be a serious country, and nowhere in 2015 was this more true than in Baltimore – which after Ferguson carried the banner of the “Black Lives Matter” movement – and suffered the bloodiest year in its entire history on account of […]
Sacramento officials caught secretly adding cancer-causing chemicals to the water supply
(NaturalNews) For over a year, California’s capital city had been poisoning the public water supply – in secret – with chemicals that are known carcinogens, and that have never been approved for use in the water treatment process. This was the disturbing finding of a recent investigation by local Sacramento news affiliate ABC10 […]
Princeton University Students Are Right On Racist Woodrow Wilson
Print Friendly Above Photo: From PopularResistance.org. Princeton University’s long-overdue uproar over Woodrow Wilson’s racism barely scratches the surface of the damage he did to US democracy. At the core of his foul legacy is the fact that he dragged the United States into a hated world war based on a monstrous lie, and that he […]
Non Violent Strategies for Nationalizing Federal Reserve System
Money Changes October 10, 2011 The proper way to begin this is to honor the sacrifice of time, energy, jail, and risk of physical harm that protesters on Wall Street have made. Their sacrifice and commitment has opened doors and been a catalyst to move people to action in this country and now all […]