The case — the first known transmission of cancer cells from a parasite to a human — involves an HIV patient from Colombia who developed multiple, large tumors in various parts of his body. Local doctors biopsied those tumors and found that the cells acted like cancer cells in their destructiveness but were strange […]
Posts Tagged ‘stoppers’
Unsettling Finding from CDC Investigation: Tapeworms Can Transmit Cancer Cells to Humans
November 6th, 2015 Awake Goy
Unsettling Finding from CDC Investigation: Tapeworms Can Transmit Cancer Cells to Humans
November 6th, 2015 Awake Goy
The case — the first known transmission of cancer cells from a parasite to a human — involves an HIV patient from Colombia who developed multiple, large tumors in various parts of his body. Local doctors biopsied those tumors and found that the cells acted like cancer cells in their destructiveness but were strange […]