The ending of a biblical story where a woman was forgiven by Jesus after committing adultery has been altered in a Chinese textbook to make our Savior out to be a killer. It was reported that the textbook was published by the government-run University of Electronic Science and Technology Press and intends to teach “professional […]
Posts Tagged ‘stoned’
China Teaches Students that Jesus Stoned Woman to Death, Changes Biblical Passage in Textbook
Canadian Military to spend $170,000 so leaders can see what it’s like to be stoned on marijuana
The Canadian Forces is buying kits that will let its leaders experience what it’s like to be stoned on marijuana. The “marijuana simulation kits” will include “marijuana impairment goggles,” among other items. The Canadian Forces wants to acquire 26 of the kits by April 30 or sooner if possible. “The […]
Palestinian stoned settler convicted of murder, settler killed Palestinian acquitted
Israeli military prosecution filed indictment on Monday against Mohammed Wadi, Palestinian from Nablus, accusing him of attempting to murder extremist Jewish settler. Meanwhile, the Israeli police is to accept a settler’s claim that he killed a Palestinian farmer in the same incident in an act of self-defence. The Israeli military prosecution, which requested extension of […]
Pedophile Caught Raping Young Girl, Stoned To Death In South Africa
A pedophile who was caught raping a 6-year-old girl got his comeuppance after an angry mob stoned him to death before police arrived. The unknown man believed to be in his 40s, faced an angry mob of citizens from Durban, South Africa who showered him with rocks after catching him attacking the child. reports: […]
Drivers Arrested for Being Stoned While Stone Cold Sober
Drunk driving arrests are down sharply after decades of aggressive enforcement by officers, while drugged driving arrests are climbing. In Georgia there are now more than 250 officers with special ‘drug recognition expert’ training. But WHAS11’s partner station WXIA’s Chief Investigator Brendan Keefe discovered some drivers are getting arrested […]
72 Types Of Americans In Official Government Documents Considered To Be Potential Terrorists… That’s Nearly Everyone!
Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such […]