Spring is finally here, and it has been a very mild winter for Europe. However, the month of March can be very unpredictable, and not only in terms of the weather. The National Endowment for Democracy, NED, CIA, is hard at work in Moldova and Georgia, and coming soon to Turkey, if it doesn’t just […]
Posts Tagged ‘squeal’
CIA, NED: Georgia and Colour Revolutions: “Oink, Oink, Squeal like a Pig!”
Biden Staffers Squeal: Afghanistan Withdrawal Was Disgusting Failure – His Presidency Is OVER
White House staff members are rolling over and squealing on their leader, Joe Biden, saying they are “disgusted” and “horrified” at his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. “I am absolutely appalled and literally horrified we left Americans there,” one Biden official told Politico. “It was a hostage rescue of thousands of Americans in the guise of a NEO, […]
Stuck Pigs (and Presstitutes) Squeal
Paul Craig Roberts Prisonplanet.com Sept 16, 2011 As an economist I have never had much patience with Paul Krugman’s economics, stuck as he is in 1940s-era Keynesian demand-side economics. I have sometimes concluded that Krugman had rather denounce Ronald Reagan that to acknowledge that supply-side economists have established that fiscal policy has supply-side, not just […]