Posts Tagged ‘spills’

US May Deploy More Troops To Iraq

A senior commander in charge of leading the US-led military efforts against ISIS has said that US military officials are considering boosting the current level of troops in Iraq British Army Major General Doug Chalmers, the deputy commander for support in the US-led coalition, said on Thursday :”We’re constantly looking to see if we’re right-sized,” […]

The Coal Vs. Fracking Canard

Print Friendly Above Photo: It’s not coal versus fracking that we should be debating; it’s fossil fuels versus renewables.  Following a recent report from the Department of Energy that 66 percent of natural gas produced in the United States comes from fracked wells and news that March was the third straight “hottest month ever,” Mother Jones has published a […]

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

An FBI agent is suspected of lying about firing twice at Robert “LaVoy” Finicium and may have gotten help from four other FBI agents in covering up afterward, authorities revealed Tuesday. The bullets didn’t hit Finicum and didn’t contribute to his death, but now all five unnamed agents, part of an […]

Cliven Bundy indictment over 2014 Nevada standoff expanded to 19 defendants

On Thursday, 12 people from five states were arrested after a federal grand jury in Las Vegas expanded an indictment previously filed against Cliven Bundy. The indictment included Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy and four other men already in federal custody as of late January in connection with a nearly six-week occupation of a federal wildlife preserve […]

Water Crisis Fears In New Delhi After Canal Sabotaged In Protests

Delhi is on the brink of a severe water crisis after a key supply was cut during protests over jobs in a neighbouring state. Much of the water supply to the Indian capital was cut off after members of an influential Indian caste sabotaged a canal during protests over job quotas. A representative from the […]

#SwatTheWorld: Trolls Claim Mass Bomb-Hoaxing Operation

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer January 26, 2016 A Twitter group which supports Russia and Syria is claiming responsibility for mass bomb-hoaxing across the UK and France. The standard internet response to this sort of thing would be “yeah, well, of course, the special services are hoaxing everyone by tying supporters of Putin and Assad to bomb-hoaxing.” […]

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