Posts Tagged ‘soylent’

Soylent Green: California legalizes composting of HUMANS

(Natural News) Gov. Gavin Newsom of California just signed into law new legislation allowing dead bodies throughout the state to be composted instead of buried or cremated. Up until now, the Golden State, like most states and the rest of the world, only allowed for the burial or burning of deceased human remains. Now, there […]

Soylent Green is the Pink Slime of Today!

This past year, I’ve heard the movie “Soylent Green” referenced countless times. It especially hits home when it comes to environmental concerns, and how some pundits, including Bill Gates, advocate that rich countries, such as the United States and Western Europe, should switch to eating 100 percent synthetic beef. However the issues it raises go […]

Could Lab-Grown ‘Clean’ Meat Be a Prelude to Soylent Green?

Cultured tissue, harvested without killing any animals, could allow scientists to grow meals’ worth of products with just a handful of starter cells. Meat grown in a laboratory could be on restaurant menus by the end of the year, one manufacturer has claimed. In vitro animal products, sometimes referred to as “clean meat”, are made […]

GreenMedInfo blows the lid on SOYLENT, a cocktail of GMOs, chemical "vitamins" and questionable ingredients

(Natural News) As a general rule, anything promoted by the status quo is probably toxic to your mental or physical health. At the same time, natural health solutions that really work — herbal medicine, Chinese Medicine, superfoods, etc. — are systematically attacked and smeared. That helps explain why the status quo is […]

Dogs proven to engage in moral evaluation of people and animals by observing their behavior

(NaturalNews) A Yale study is shining new light on the complexity of the canine mind. In more ways than one, man’s best friend is […]

The Gestapo is alive and well in Obama’s America

(NaturalNews) Hi. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Barack Obama is going rogue. By every metric,[1] the Obama economy is melting down. We are seeing the beginning stages of another recession, at best, or a total economic meltdown, at worst. (Story by Wayne Allyn Root, republished from At the moment, there […]

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