Posts Tagged ‘solstice’


It’s all coming out into the open now. The satanic black magicians that control the world know that most people are not paying attention, and they have managed to brainwash an entire populous into believing their lies. In truth, most people are losing consciousness (true care). This isn’t popular information, but if we want […]

Silent Night, Solstice Night

This is a Pagan version of the Yule tide carol ‘Silent Night’ by Ellen Reed. h/t Nance. Silent night, Solstice night All is calm, all is bright Nature slumbers in forest and glen Till in Springtime She wakens again Sleeping spirits grow strong! Sleeping spirits grow strong! Silent night, Solstice night Silver moon shining bright […]

Embrace the Shift Through Solstice Energies

June 20th, 2017 By Jessie Klassen Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Depending on where you are in the world, the Solstice on June 20 will either herald summer or winter.  Either way, there is always a shift that occurs within Mother Earth during the Solstices, and we are sure to feel this within ourselves […]

Paul Craig Roberts – Wake Up!

     Putin: “We Know and they Know that we Know …People do not Understand how Dangerous the Situation Really Is” Do you remember how close we came to Armageddon in the early 1960s when Washington put nuclear missiles in Turkey on the Soviet Union’s border and the Soviets responded by putting nuclear missiles in Cuba? […]

BREAKING: ANONYMOUS Just Announced Who They Endorse For President… It’s NOT Who You’d Expect

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– The ‘hacktivist’ group Anonymous has announced their choice for the next president of the United States and needless to say they aren’t backing Donald Trump! Anonymous is backing none other than BERNIE SANDERS!  Look, I actually respect a lot of things Anonymous does and we have reported on all the great […]

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 93 – The IMF is being prepared for the NWO transition (+ a confirmation from PCR)

Last week saw two significant developments in the IMF transition to the NWO financial system: 1) The globalists revived an old corruption charge against IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde… The resulting trial appears to be the excuse they will use to remove her from her IMF post, thus making way for a Chinaman to take […]

Why are supporters of occupation running a Jerusalem hospital?

David Cronin Rights and Accountability 22 December 2015 A drone made by Israel Aerospace Industries, which received EU grants overseen by Herbert von Bose. (Alan Lebeda/Wikimedia Commons) Why is a man who oversaw grants to Israel’s weapons-makers helping to run a key medical service for Palestinians? Before joining the board at the Saint John of […]

Pure Coincidence

PureCoincidence™ happening at a Hillary rally when she discusses gun control. Anyone who thinks that jews are trying to take guns away from the United States is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist. Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, etc. just happen to be jews. Source Article from Views: 0

Five things you need to know about the Paris climate deal

Simon Lewis (TC) : The UN climate talks in Paris have ended with an agreement between 195 countries to tackle global warming. The climate deal is at once both historic, important – and inadequate. From whether it is enough to avoid dangerous climate change to unexpected wins for vulnerable nations, here are five things to help […]

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