Posts Tagged ‘software’

Can the heart be hacked? Experts find 8,000 security flaws in pacemaker software

Security research firm WhiteScope carried out the assessment on implantable cardiac devices, physician programmers and home monitoring devices for four major manufacturers. The researchers found a worrying consistency across all vendors, highlighting inherent system weaknesses in file system encryption and storage of unencrypted patient data. The report notes that pacemaker security faces […]

If DNA Is Software, Who Wrote The Code?

Recently an article in SF Gate by Deepak Chopra and Pankaj S. Joshi, PhD – “Can There Be a Science of Consciousness?” — had this amazing quote: “By taking for granted the obvious fact that it takes a mind to do science, we’ve reached the point where science is leaving out the very component that might […]

Update: Oakland Sex Scandal Now Includes 2 Dozen Cops & Prostitution

is a writer living in Iowa City. Besides helping to expose the growing police state, he also writes fiction and does a bunch of other creative stuff, which you can find at his website-Advanced Ape To learn more about Joshua, click here to view his profile. If you enjoy my work please consider donating to […]

Even More Signs Of Change As Bailey’s Goes Vegan

A month ago, Costco announced that they would be teaming up with organic farmers to help them purchase land to increase the amount of organic produce they are able to grow annually. Costco’s reasoning behind this: to meet informed consumer demands to have more organic options available to them—a demand that has grown so substantially […]

The Coming Wide-Spread Use of Drones in Agriculture

The Coming Wide-Spread Use of Drones in Agriculture May 10th, 2016 Via: Hackaday: Let’s cover what drones can offer and what growers can use, then dig into what is out there and happening over some fields right now. These Things are Important to Farmers, […]

US govt quietly tweaks rules to let cops, Feds hack computers anywhere, anytime

Under today’s rules, US cops and FBI agents need to know where a computer is before they can get a warrant to directly hack the machine – because they have to ensure the judge and court they approach for the warrant has geographical jurisdiction over the physical location of the computer. In other words, […]

Video Exposes What Hillary Clinton Really Represents & How Her Political Machine Operates

As we move closer to the 2016 United States presidential elections, it appears as if Bernie Sanders has become a heavy favourite. This popularity may not be enough, however, as Hillary Clinton’s path to the presidency may have already been carved out, rendering the millions of voters who participate in this so-called democratic process powerless to influence the outcome of the […]

Private Investigator Calls For an End to Police Immunity (VIDEO)

The post below was sent in via the submission tab by Rick Gurley, who’s also featured in the video above and the author of the text below. While I agree with most of what’s said I believe the ‘bad apples’ issues is just a fallacy. Also the tough spots LEO’s find themselves in are due to […]

Poisoned Tap and Bottled Water In 42 States- The Depopulation Agenda At Work

    The American infrastructure is crumbling, it is not secret and has never been a secret for a generation. As a case in point, do you remember when the I-35 bridge going into Minneapolis collapse and sent many to their death? Every facet of our lives, which connected to public infrastructure is crumbling. Mike […]

Nobody Witnessed Fake Arizona Teen Shooting of Two Lesbian Girls

Nobody Witnessed Fake Arizona Teen Shooting of Two Lesbian Girls With revelations from our posters. For mere financial gain two lesbian youths decided to fake their deaths, all on behalf of the gun-controlling criminal minds of the arch-Zionist cabal. It is an arch-gun control hoax make no mistake about it. As they never really died, […]

Hard Proof Indonesia False Flag Attack is a Zionist Plot

Hard Proof Indonesia False Flag Attack is a Zionist Plot What were arch-Zionist so-called transnational counterterrorism moles doing being in-place in perfect position, right before, in fact, right front of them – a mere 150 meters away. There can be no doubt about it the attack or, rather, event in Jakarta, January 13, 2016, was staged […]

Nanoparticles 20,000 times smaller than human hair can tackle ‘superbugs’ – study

In an effort to fight drug-resistant infections known as ‘superbugs,’ a team of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder introduced light-activated nanoparticles, known as quantum dots, which resemble tiny commercial semiconductors used in consumer electronics. According to the study, published in the journal Nature Materials on Wednesday, the quantum dots were successful in killing 92 […]

When We Found the Boogeyman: Chicago Demands DOJ Probe into CPD Detention Facility

Submitted and written by Isiah Holmes Living amidst an encroaching, ever more militarized authoritative presence sometimes leaves the modern American a stranger to “surprise.” We arbitrarily imagine the haunts of the world’s real boogeymen only in far away, unreachable lands. Their motives abstract, their actions the stuff of nightmarish expressions of crystal-pure inhuman atrocity. If […]

Air Force proposes $3-Billion Plan to Vastly Expand Its Drone Program

Air Force proposes $3-Billion Plan to Vastly Expand Its Drone Program December 14th, 2015 Via: Los Angeles Times: The Air Force wants to vastly expand its drone program over the next five years by doubling the number of pilots and deploying them to bases […]

Italian firms willing to return to North Pars gas field

TEHRAN, Dec. 08 (Shana) – Italian companies have indicated interest to return to Iran’s North Pars gas field once the sanctions against the country are lifted, a senior Iranian gas official said. Managing-Director of Pars Special Economic Energy Zone (PSEEZ) Mehdi Yousefi had a meeting with executives of a number of Italian energy companies Tehran […]

Leaked ISIS document shows how terror group uses same tactics as New York Times to propagandize its people and keep them compliant

(NaturalNews) Propaganda is one of the oldest techniques that people have used to influence others, and that practice has been honed to a fine […]

Putin To Send 150,000 Troops To Syria To Wipe Out ISIS

Russian president Vladimir Putin is preparing a ground offensive to wipe out ISIS in Syria He is reportedly planning a huge military mission using 150,000 troops to take control of the terror group’s stronghold of Raqqa. Experts say the mythical state could vanish in a matter of hours and the Islamic State terrorists might then hide in towns, and […]

What do you Call the First Afghan..

What do you call the first Afghan through the Channel Tunnel? Amhere. What do you call the second Afghan through the tunnel? Amhere Azwel. What do you call the third Afghan through the tunnel? Amhere Azwell Azhim. AfghansChannel Tunnel Source Article from Views: 0

New study shows inhibiting copper chaperones reduces tumor cell proliferation

Copper trafficking in eukaryotes and the selective inhibition of human copper trafficking by a small molecule (DC_AC50). Green represents the copper chaperone proteins and lilac represents proteins that receive copper from the chaperones. Credit: (c) 2015 Nature Chemistry (2015). DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2381 (—Researchers from several institutions have found that copper trafficking chaperones are a good target […]

Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts

Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts February 16, 2011 In the case of both Google and Facebook, three talented students in their 20’s came out of obscurity to establish multi-billion dollar enterprises. Do you suppose they had some help? BY SANDEEP PARWAGA (FOR HENRYMAKOW.COM) There used to be a saying: ”No one makes a name for […]

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