Sofia Vergara posted on her Instagram how she chose to spend Independence Day, it was not exactly the typical American celebration, but also very American… The Colombian actress put on her bikini, dived into the pool and rode an… inflatable bull. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sofia Vergara (@sofiavergara)… […]
Posts Tagged ‘sofia’
Sofia Vergara celebrates American Independence Day by “riding a bull” (VIDEO)
Iran to take part at Sofia Taekwondo Open
TEHRAN – Iran will send six taekwondo practitioners to Bulgaria on Thursday to participate at the eighth edition of the Sofia Taekwondo Open. The Sofia Open is scheduled to take place on March 6 and 7 in the Bulgarian capital. This event currently has 117 athletes from 12 countries registered to take part. Iran taekwondo […]
Sofia Smallstorm Interviews Jerry Day on The Intrusions and Problems of Smart Meters
Jerry Day explains the intrusions and problems of smart meters like no one else. His sequence of Notices at his website FreedomTaker.comwere the starting basis of the InPowerMovement’s anti-smart-meter methodology, along with the slogan “Take Back Your Power,” the title of Josh del Sol’s popular documentary. Jerry now advocates getting off the grid entirely, so as not to have any further […]
Sofia Smallstorm Interviews Yohan & Bhavya About Dystopian India
Yohan and Bhavya are young Indians in their twenties, preparing to launch an Internet platform to wake the Indian people up! They have been researching the global agenda for several years, and I invited them to discuss and explain the rapid implementation of this agenda in India, unbeknownst to most Indians. Modern India is ready to go cashless, with […]
Sage of Quay Radio: Sofia Smallstorm – Crypto, Blockchains and Inner Standing
Cryptocurrency is something to be pondered deeply before we all dive in. It is serving as the carrot to blockchain technology, which will change human relations and interactions in a profound way. Source Article from Views: 0
“Tehran ready to boost value of trade with Sofia to $1bn”
“We can increase the value of our trade exchanges to more than $1 billion in the future. Transit, oil and gas, infrastructural, technical and engineering services are good areas for cooperation, and the barriers and challenges in this path must be removed,” noted Zarif. “For the transportation and the banking problems, we need a secured […]
Sofia airport evacuated due to bomb threat – reports
The evacuations were ordered by the interior ministry following a “malicious” phone call at 1.20pm local time Wednesday, according to Bulgarian news agency Bgnes. Police units immediately attended the scene. Police canine teams sealed off the area and vehicles were not allowed to approach the terminal buildings, Segagb reports. The threat has been revealed to […]
Sofia Smallstorm Interviews Laura Pressley on Electronic Vote Fraud
Dr. Laura Pressley ran for City Council in Austin, Texas in 2014, intent on cutting waste from the city budget and fixing problems. She was an extremely popular candidate whose grassroots campaign was boosted by scores of dedicated volunteers, and given her expertise with numbers and lifelong activism she was thought by nearly all to be perfect […]
Sage of Quay Radio Hour: Sofia Smallstorm – Assange, WikiLeaks and Beyond AI
Sofia and Mike discuss a recent expose by Richard Hall regarding Julian Assange. The four part video is entitled WikiLeaks – Made By The NSA. The presentation explores Assange’s background and whether WikiLeaks is a force for good or simply another Psyop in the tool box of the controllers. Sofia also offers her insights into […]
Sofia Smallstorm & Joe Atwill – The Motion Picture Production Code Scam
Sofia speaks with modern historian Joe Atwill, this time about the Motion Picture Production Code implemented in Hollywood in the 1930s, eventually replaced with the current rating system (G,PG, R, X). The Code, overseen by Freemason Will Hays, was on its surface intended to restrict studios and filmmakers from showing lewd or violent material to […]
If JCPOA conditions violated
One year has passed since a joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reached in Vienna between Iran and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (the P5) plus Germany. During a one-year period many attempts have been made to complete this diplomatic process. At the same time, Ali Akbar Velayati’s harsh criticism (a member […]
Russia Turns to Christianity While Obama Faces East
Russia (aka the former Soviet Union) was America’s greatest adversary. Ronald Reagan called the Soviets “Evil Empire” in reference to the popular Star Wars movies of the time. In fact, the fear of the Russian people and their government was so severe that the well-known phrase “One nation under […]
Google’s chairman wants algorithms to censor the internet for hate speech
From: In an op-ed for The New York Times (paywall), Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, inserted himself directly into the middle of a heated debate about the line between fighting terrorism’s online reach and internet censorship. “It’s our responsibility to demonstrate that stability and free expression go hand […]