Posts Tagged ‘societal’

Societal Self-Regulation

Authored by Todd Hayen via, Any group of human beings who are supposedly in a free society and who have a leader (or a council of people who lead), assigned by that group to make decisions for the common interests of the group, must rely on their own “self-regulation,” above and beyond the leaders’ […]

The Societal Affects Of Inflation – How You Know Things Are Really Going Bad

Historically speaking, inflation/stagflation has always been a disastrous affair. One is hard pressed to find any legitimate examples of a country that experienced an aggressive inflationary event that came out better for it. A rare scenario would be one in which a nation inflates to fund a war that they then win, but usually negative […]

Transgender “affirmation” is creating a societal scourge of “people with untreated mental health conditions and raging narcissism”

(Natural News) Women’s rights activists are increasingly making their voices heard on the transgenderism fad, which is erasing women’s sports and women themselves from society. The issue is erupting all over Twitter, with one women’s rights activist account addressing the matter head on: “Who could have predicted that delisting a mental health condition, replacing therapy… […]

Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues | John Droz jr. | Substack

Critically Thinking about a Clash of World Views… Why people can look at the same situation very differently… John Droz jr. Sep 17 2022 It’s fascinating to see how good people can have diametrically opposite views about the same situation, especially when the facts are largely indisputable. Why don’t the facts determine their response? Because the facts […]

Pro-Vax “Messaging”, Including “Societal Guilt” Was Being Tested 6 Months Before Vaccine Approval

Pro-Vax “Messaging”, Including “Societal Guilt” Was Being Tested 6 Months Before Vaccine ApprovalPosted on October 9, 2021 By Matt AgoristAccording to Encyclopedia Britannica, Propaganda is the more or less systematic effort to manipulate other people’s beliefs, attitudes, or actions by means of symbols (words, gestures, banners, monuments, music, clothing, insignia, hairstyles, designs on coins and […]

1972 report predicted societal collapse by 2040

1972 report predicted societal collapse by 2040 Posted on Saturday, 17 July, 2021 Are we headed for the end of modern society as we know it ? Image Credit: PD – Alfred Palmer A 1972 MIT report predicted that modern civilization would collapse by the middle of the 21st Century.Just under 50 years ago, a […]

Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny & Societal Failure

CROSSROADS: Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny & Societal Failure The Smoking Man  Source – “…Pathological policy errors flowed inexorably from a skewed view of reality in both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Once this view of reality was deemed to be above criticism, its champions adopted increasingly tyrannical policies. Nazi Germany’s Aryan Supremacy […]

Academic Autonomy: Needed a Holistic Societal Perspective

 If a university privately funded by philanthropists can be forced to fall in line, even if due to implicit pressure from the ruling dispensation, it can be inferred that autonomy in institutions funded by businessmen is literally non-existent. The institutions run with direct government funding have had little autonomy. The publicly funded universities can offer […]

Indicators For Measuring Injustice And Societal Decay

Economic indicators – data points, trends, and micro-categories – are the widgets of the big information industry. By contrast, indicators for our society’s democratic health are not similarly compiled, aggregated, and reported. Its up and down trends are presented piecemeal and lack quantitative precision. We can get the process started and lay the basis for […]

Sweden Unveils Plans For ‘Total Societal Mobilization’ Against Russia

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Britain top dog in unregulated shadow world of mercenaries

     Britain has become the world’s post-9/11 “mercenary kingpin” with hundreds of firms employing thousands of ex-military freebooters in a shadowy industry worth billions, a report by charity War on Want claims. The report, titled ‘Mercenaries Unleashed: The brave new world of private military and security companies,’ examines the rise of the industry over the […]

Erdogan is walking straight into Washington’s ‘Saddam Hussein’ trap

     Washington has set a trap for impulsive Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, US journalist Mike Whitney notes, adding that a ‘color revolution’ in Turkey may one day become a reality. On February 19 Washington dismissed a draft resolution by Russia aimed at preventing a Turkish invasion of Syria at the United Nations Security Council […]

NYC grants ANYONE right to use single-sex facility ‘consistent with gender identity or expression’

According to the guidelines, issued by the New York City Commission on Human Rights, covered entities that have single-occupancy restrooms should make it crystal clear they “can be used by people of all genders.” The way to go is to post a sign in all single-sex facilities that states, “Under New York City Law, all […]

Bernardo Kastrup: An Outspoken & Irreverent Philosopher Whose Work Deserves Attention

Among several notable thinkers that are on the rise in the world of both nondualism and physics, Bernardo Kastrup provides a very clear and uncompromising critique of the prevailing meme of materialism and elegantly questions many of its most cherished assumptions. Bernardo Kastrup is the author of Why Materialism is Baloney: How True Skeptics Know […]

Activists urge German authorities to ban PEGIDA demo on anniversary of 1938 anti-Jewish pogroms

In an online petition posted on, activists say it is unacceptable for local authorities to let the far-right, anti-immigrant PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident) rally on the anniversary of this notorious date in German history.  They are urging city authorities to “abolish or suspend” PEGIDA’s demonstration on this “historically significant day […]

‘Kill on the spot’: Poll shows most Israelis support immediate execution for Palestinian attackers

Hebron violence: 4 Israelis wounded in shootings, stabbing; old Palestinian woman shot dead by IDF New shocking data has revealed that “a majority of Jewish Israelis (53%) … said they agreed with the statement that ‘any Palestinian who has perpetrated a terror attack against Jews should be killed on the spot,’” the survey, carried out […]

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