Posts Tagged ‘socalled’

And Now… America’s Nuclear Smart Bomb

And Now… America’s Nuclear Smart Bomb January 13th, 2016 Via: New York Times: The United States military is replacing the fixed tail section of the B61 bomb with steerable fins and adding other advanced technology. The result is a bomb that can make more […]

Calls For Switzerland To Arm Itself In Response To World War III Fears

Switzerland’s Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General André Blattmann, has advised that Swiss people arm themselves due to fears of “hybrid wars” escalating to a World War III scenario.  Blattmann says the very real threat of a World War III primarily stem from Turkish President Erdogan, and his recent declaration of being leader of the entire Islamic […]

ISIS Supplied Via Turkey, a US Excuse to Seize Syria

Washington Post Confirms: ISIS Supplied Via Turkey, a US Excuse to Seize Syria (Tony Cartalucci – LD) – With the announcement of US special forces joining Western-backed militants on the ground in Syria, many still appear confused as to exactly what the implications of this move are. As if to assure the public that indeed, […]

Why breaking up with a friend hurts as much, or worse, than the breakup of a romantic relationship

     Breaking up with a partner is universally accepted to be an awful experience, no matter how amicable the breakup. Often, it’s our closest friends who support us through the healing process. But what happens when we lose that support system? Ending a close friendship is awkward and devastating—and it’s so rarely discussed that we […]

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