Next Story Is it time to really look at what social media is doing to us? The issue here is that we really don’t know the long term consequences of too much screen time, because being attached to screens for hours at our time is a relatively new aspect of our day-to-day lifestyle. It’s been […]
Posts Tagged ‘smartphone’
Are You Addicted To “The Scroll”? Why It’s Time To Face Smartphone Addiction & Take The Power Back
This Is How To Find Out Who’s Tracking You Through Your Smartphone
When using modern day gadgets, safety should always be your top priority. With the help of just a few short codes, you can find out more about the settings of your phone and work out whether or not your messages and information are protected and whether you’re being tracked. This article shares the most useful […]
China Unveils over 100 Smartphone Apps to Track ‘Loyalty’ to Communism
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is boasting of over 100 smartphone applications designed to allow senior party members to more accurately track their underlings’ loyalty, based in part on how much communist propaganda the individual consumes on the app. The Chinese state newspaper Global Times notes that these apps “place additional pressure on members to properly […]
Our Minds Can Be Hijacked: The Tech Insiders Who Fear a Smartphone Dystopia
Our Minds Can Be Hijacked: The Tech Insiders Who Fear a Smartphone Dystopia October 6th, 2017 Via: Guardian: There is growing concern that as well as addicting users, technology is contributing toward so-called “continuous partial attentionâ€�, severely limiting people’s ability to focus, and possibly […]
Kaspersky Comes Up With NSA-Proof Smartphone For Putin
A Russian company specializing in online data security, run by Natalya Kaspersky, is introducing a smartphone which is snoop-proof and stops Google, Microsoft, Facebook, IBM, NSA , CIA, GCHQ, FIS, CSE, NRO, and some apps, from spying on users. After Edward Snowden revealed that the National Security Agency has access to Google’s data centers worldwide, […]
Why You Should Start Blocking The Blue Light On Your Smartphone & Computer
By Kalee Brown As our reliance on electronics increases, we have to ask ourselves: How is this affecting our health? When it comes to smartphones and computers, both can have a pretty big impact on both our physical and our mental health. It’s totally unrealistic to simply advise people to use their smartphones and computers less […]
Smartphone Records Its 1,000ft Fall From A Plane
Cell phones have certainly come a long way. Over the years they have not only gotten smaller and more efficient but evidently, they are more durable as well. When Nashville resident, Blake Henderson was caught up in filming the ground below while he was a passenger in an airplane, his Samsung Galaxy S5 was allegedly […]
Why You Should Start Blocking The Blue Light On Your Smartphone & Computer (Infographic)
Next Story As our reliance on electronics increases, we have to ask ourselves: How is this affecting our health? When it comes to smartphones and computers, both can have a pretty big impact on both our physical and our mental health. It’s totally unrealistic to simply advise people to use their smartphones and computers less often. […]
‘Smartphone Zombies’
‘Smartphone Zombies’ July 30th, 2017 Via: Reuters: A ban on pedestrians looking at mobile phones or texting while crossing the street will take effect in Hawaii’s largest city in late October, as Honolulu becomes the first major U.S. city to pass legislation aimed at […]
Driver’s licenses could be coming to your smartphone in Md.
Under a recently launched program in Maryland, transportation officials are testing out new technology that could allow you to quickly access your driver’s license on your smartphone. The digital driver’s license pilot program aims to make obtaining an up-to-date license as easy as downloading an app, officials said. “We are proud […]
Colorado group pushes to ban smartphone sale to under-13 kids
(Natural News) The country may see the first legal age limits on smartphone sales as Colorado officials approve the language of a ballot proposing to restrict the sale of smartphones to children below 13 years of age. The proposed measure will need 300,000 signatures to be certified for the November 2018 ballot, reported. If the […]
New Device Allows Cops to Download All of Your Smartphone Activity in Seconds
From The Anti-Media New York — “Any person who operates a motor vehicle in the state shall be deemed to have given consent to field testing of his or her mobile telephone and/or personal electronic device for the purpose of determining the use thereof while operating a motor vehicle, provided that such testing is conducted […]
Coca-Cola teams up with grocery giant Albertsons to steal your smartphone information … invasive "Minority Report" marketing goes mainstream
(Natural News) Struggling to maintain its customer base amid lagging sales, soft drink giant Coca-Cola has developed a new program in partnership with grocery supermarkets that invades people’s smartphones in order to steal their private information and send them custom-tailored coupons and other marketing material – this, after previously attempting to boost sales by pushing […]
Potential for Ultrasonic Beacons to Trigger Smartphone Apps
Potential for Ultrasonic Beacons to Trigger Smartphone Apps May 4th, 2017 Apparently, you have to open some app for the this to happen: The situation isn’t that worrisome, as users have to open an app with the Shopkick SDK for the beacon to be […]
Facebook is Working on a Smartphone That Can Read Thoughts
Facebook announced that it assembled a team of 60 people to develop a technology allowing users to “think” commands and messages at their smartphones. The system would be able to literally read your mind … constantly. What could go wrong? The people at Facebook are going down a path that can only be described as post-Orwellian. Not satisfied […]
Cop Mistakes Unarmed Man’s Finger for a Gun and Kills Him
Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Wagoner, OK — Graphic body camera video was just released showing a Wagoner police officer kill an unarmed man — for pointing his finger. The shooting occurred after 25-year-old Andrew Henson led police on a high-speed chase for approximately 20 minutes. The […]
US to deploy some 1,000 soldiers to Poland as part of NATO response
The United States plans to deploy around 1,000 soldiers to Poland as part of an effort to step up NATO’s presence in Eastern Europe, President Barack Obama says. “I can announce that the US will be the lead nation for the NATO presence here in Poland,” he says after meeting Polish President Andrzej Duda […]
Iranian Footballer Suspended Over SpongeBob SquarePants
A professional Iranian footballer has been banned from domestic competition for six months after wearing bright yellow SpongeBob trousers in public. The morality committee of Iran’s football association suspended Sosha Makani after seeing a picture of him wearing what appears to be a pair of SpongeBob SquarePants on social media. Vice Sports reports: The federation’s […]
Your brain works best if it gets to ‘chill out’
Your brain never stops. You’re always thinking about what’s next, how to get it done and how to start chipping away at that ever growing to-do list. You’re always “on” and if you’re a productive member of modern society, that’s expected. You know you want to sit down and rest. You can feel your […]