I was searching around for some obscure texts that could be of interest to our readers and found something rather “curious” and potentially very relevant. The quote comes from The Magus by Francis Barrett, published in 1801. The Magus is one of the primary sources for the study of ceremonial magic, and for a long […]
Posts Tagged ‘slaves’
Magical Text From 1801 Says the Devil Requires Bond Slaves to Be Injected
Facebook Aided In Recruitment Of Modern Day Slaves, Cartel Hitmen Internal Documents Show
The documents leaked to WSJ show that while Facebook removes some pages, many continue to operate openly. While some might sympathize with Facebook’s inability to whack every mole (after all, they’re fighting a never-ending torrent of misconduct). But the sad truth is that Facebook could do more to stop its platform from being abused by […]
7.52 Afghans Have Child Sex Slaves Just Like Our Elite Do; These Elite Protect Each Other
https://www.facebook.com/gnixon/videos/1177806622707233/ Comment: Bet Poppy Herbert Bush told Afghanistanis to grow Poppy in 2001! Our government only gives a crap about Rothschild Zionist Israel and Rothschild ZIONISTS funding our corrupt politicians who are basically 99% Secret Society Members and guess who creates and controls these Secret Societies? Rothschild ZIONISTS and the British Empire is a ZIONIST […]
CIA is a Crime Ring & Its MKUltra’s Are Tortured RAPED SLAVES (SEXUAL TORTURE IS ALWAYS PART OF CIA’s MKUltra & Monarch EVILS-This is How Minds Are Fractured)
The CIA and FBI “are behind most, if not all terrorism.”— Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief “All roads of government corruption, lead to the CIA.”— Richard Lighthouse https://www.youtube.com/embed/iYAP7o8N1Qw?wmode=opaqueFormer Congressman, Dr Ron Paul, has repeatedly stated that the CIA runs the military-industrial complex. The CIA is the most horrific, terrorist organization the world has ever seen. […]
Zombie Slaves of the Jew World Order
This Greek monk agrees with EFR’s analysis of the Gates nanotoxine: To succumb or not to succumb: that is the question. [embedded content] To rent or to own: that is the Q. If someone else owns you, you are a slave. Share this: Source Views: 0
Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Slaves to Satan
ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]
Democrats Demand Republicans Pay Them Reparations For Freeing Their Slaves
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats in Washington are demanding reparations from the Republican Party for the massive financial losses of Democrats following the emancipation of the slaves. “It’s been many years, and still, this grave injustice has not been corrected,” said Chuck Schumer in a joint press conference with Nancy Pelosi. “Our Democrat ancestors faced decades of financial ruin after […]
Were Hebrews ever slaves in ancient Egypt? Yes
News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker Haaretz.com, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source Views: 0
13 Illuminutti Families: We Love Slaves But Don’t Want N_____s In Our Families (Pictured Synagogue of Satan Members)
abdelkarim elhawassGénéral janvier 25, 2019 4 Minutes The Rothschild family joined the Orange House of Holland (Royal Family) to found the Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600s, becoming the first private central bank in the world. In the 1600s, the Dutch with the Rotschilds built in a short time an immense colonial empire. They thus demonstrated […]
Exposed! Nanotechnology In The Covid-19 Swabs Test! In Egypt This Swab Up The Nose Was A Punishment For Slaves! Excellent Videos! Must See!!
Exposed! Nanotechnology In The Covid-19 Swabs Test! In Egypt This Swab Up The Nose Was A Punishment For Slaves! Excellent Videos! Must See!! Tap News / Weaver IN EGYPT THIS WAS A PUNISHMENT FOR SLAVES. EXPOSED ! NANOTECHNOLOGY IN THE COVID-19 SWABS TEST ! Do not take the Covid 19 test. It can change your […]
Elite Believe in Programming Slaves; Note Katie Couric’s Word: DeProgramming! Born Into An Elite Cabal Family
https://www.robmaness.com/2021/01/katie-couric-asks-how-well-deprogram-people-who-signed-up-for-the-cult-of-trump/?utm_Katie Couric Asks How We’ll ‘Deprogram People Who Signed Up For The Cult Of Trump?’ – Rob Manessrobmaness.com Comment: Feature picture is of programming mind controlled slaves and Katie Couric obviously believes in this. Views: 0
Vaccine Turns Us Into Mind-Controlled Slaves
henrymakow.com All of the necessary elements of a functioning mind-control device using vaccines are present, and they’re openly described in publicly-available scientific papers. We will be herded into “smart cities” where our brains will be controlled by 5G. “It wouldn’t be anything precise or subtle like implanting false memories or getting you to forget certain […]
Doctor Bill Gates says Slaves won’t return to Normalcy unless they get 2 Doses of Vaccines
World renowned doctor, Bill Gates is saying that you worthless peasant slaves reading this shouldn’t be free and you should be eternally locked in your house unless you get vaccinated TWICE against this killer virus who already killed about 78% of the total global population… This was a pandemic of epic proportions like […]
‘Space Helmet’ Adds To Range Of Panic Pods Available For Coronavirus Slaves
A company based out of Utah has developed a ‘space helmet’ type pod for people too afraid to travel with only a mask for protection, adding to the range of panic pod equipment on offer. Hall Labs has produced the Microclimate Air helmet, which can be pre-ordered now for just $199 and will begin shipping in weeks. […]
Look at all the Goodies the Very Rich have Planned for their Slaves!
It’s called the Great Reset, something they have been working on behind closed doors and now want to spring it on people who have been getting mind-fucked forever, but which kicked into high gear after the Israeli masterminded 9/11 False Flag. Read thru this shit and see what you think: The Great Reset agenda would […]
ADRENOCHROME: CIA Using Drugs on Human Slaves
by Admin · Published September 16, 2020 · Updated September 16, 2020 Stepictiember 1 · The drug used in the MKUltra program was not LSD it is Chemicals extracted from the human brains Endocrine system glands. Street name for them is (Adrenochrome) These chemicals are what control the emotions and physical desires. They can combine these drugs […]
Only Around FOUR PERCENT of the African Slaves Were Shipped to North America
Less than 4% went to NA? Will BLM report on that? Only if their Commie leaders tell them to. So if you take away the slaves that went to Mexico and Canada, where does that leave the percentage at? Only 4% of African slaves were sent to North America. Take away Mexico/Canada & what’s left? […]
Black colonists in UK vow to make native White Britons their SLAVES
White people have got to be the dumbest people on Earth. They willingly allow these people to come in and colonize their country to then threaten to enslave them. Ohh my how the tables have turned… the Britons colonized the blacks and now the blacks colonize the Britons. The difference is though that […]