ACH (1303) Dr. Patrick Slattery – The End Of GradualismTHE ACH SHOW In today’s show originally broadcast on July 22 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Patrick Slattery, for a show entitled, “The End Of Gradualism.” We discussed: why we are being forced to wear masks; the discrepancies regarding the various lockdowns; how the Elites […]
Posts Tagged ‘slattery’
Patrick Slattery and Eric Striker on Mishima, Weinstein, and Charlottesville
Patrick Slattery and Eric Striker talk about the ideas of Yukio Mishima and how they relate to the crisis of masculinity in Japan and in the West. Also they went into the Harvey Weinstein affair as an example of an intentional attack on whites by the Jewish elite. Originally aired October 14, 2017 For more […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Expose Evidence of an Anti-White Motive of the Las Vegas Shooting & Hostage Trump’s (((Goldman Sachs))) Goy Tax!
Dr. Duke & Collett Expose the Coverup of the LV White Massacre and Chris Cantwell Tells His Side of Charlottesville Download Today Dr. Duke started the show by looking at the media and government treatment of the Las Vegas shooting. In particular, he questioned the dismissing of any racial motive for the shooting, and said […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery on the Zio-Created “Dream” (((Nightmare))) Amnesty Act & Fox News Controlled Opposition!!
Download Today Dr. Duke had a great show where he talked about the Orwellian aspects of the new debate over DACA and the DREAM act. He pointed out the Orwellian use of language, such as calling illegal aliens “undocumented workers” or even “dreamers.” Also, systemic discrimination against whites is euphemistically referred to as “affirmative action.’ […]
National Bugle Radio: Dr. Slattery Eyewitness report from Charlottesville with Mark Dankof analysis
Dr. Patrick Slattery and Pastor Mark Dankof talk about the events in Charlottesville and their impact on the political landscape. Dr. Slattery was in Charlottesville and provides a first hand account of what he saw. They discuss the fatal incident involving a car driven by James Alex Fields, just a few hundred yards from Dr. […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery on the Jewish Science of Psychological Manipulation through Associative Conditioning – Example – Holocaust Imagery!
Download Today Dr. Duke explained the associative conditioning, a technique refined by a nephew of Sigmund Freud named Edward Bernays that essentially brainwashes people to make associations between things or events where no association actually exists. For instance, by repeatedly showing pictures of suffering children while reporting the fake news that Syrian President Assad gassed his […]
Special Dr David Duke Birthday Show With Mark Collett, Dr Slattery & Dr Duke – The Revolution Begins With Each of Us Personally!
Download Today Dr. Duke and Mark Collett had a show about the importance of personal health and well being for anyone interested in the revolutionary work of saving our people from the sickness and destructiveness of Zionist culture. They discussed the various obstacles thrown in path of people who oppose Jewish supremacism. Also, on the […]
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery EXPOSE ZIONIST CNN Lies to Pave Way to War on Syria, Russia and Ultimately European and All Mankind!
Download Today Dr. Duke addressed the on-going manufacturing of a pretext in Syria designed to take America into a war in Syria against Iran and Russia in support of Zionist-sponsored ISIS. In a background article on Syria, CNN used a slideshow of pictures of supposedly dead and dying children to condition readers to accept such […]
Dr. Duke & Slattery — Stupid Cuck Congressman Supports ISIS Attack on Iranian Parliament and Proof of Zionist Treason With al Qaeda and ISIS!
Download Today Dr. Duke reported on the idiotic statements by California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who publicly praised ISIS for attacking the Iranian Parliament, because in his imagination Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism. The brainwashed Congressman (only a light rinse was required) doesn’t seem to realize that the actual terrorism that the world […]
Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery on the Battle for New Orleans and the French elections
Download Today Dr. Duke recounted the events of the weekend in New Orleans as the supporters of Southern heritage, American history, and Western Civilization came out and defended the city’s monuments from the forces that are trying to rewrite our history and replace our people. Then Dr. Slattery joined the show and went over the […]
Dr. Duke, Dr. Slattery, Atty Advo Expose Zio Deep State Attack on White People & It’s Nightmarish Role in Foreign Policy!
Download Today Dr. Duke started the show by talking about the Zionist attack on our people, and how it is becoming increasingly blatant and violent, from the attack on the monuments of New Orleans to the violent Soros-backed Antifa goon squads in cities around the country. He and Attorney Don Advo talked about the very […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Expose the Ultimate Warmongers: The Zionist Globalists!
David Duke May 2, 2017 Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery discussed lesser-known aspects of the so-called Civil War, World War I, and World War II. There was a massive Jewish role in sparking both World Wars, and there is a Jewish disinformation campaign regarding the Civil War. After the Civil War, […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Call on Patriots to Support Spencer at Auburn U & Expose the Zionist Power Behind Crisis of Western Mankind!
Download Today Dr. Duke talked about the value of free speech. Our Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, and many people take it as a given, but the fact is that any speech that is unacceptable to our Jewish overlords is punished severely, not necessarily by prison time like in Canada, German, or the […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Call on Patriots to Support Spencer at Auburn U & Expose the Zionist Power Behind Crisis of Western Mankind!
Download Today Dr. Duke talked about the value of free speech. Our Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, and many people take it as a given, but the fact is that any speech that is unacceptable to our Jewish overlords is punished severely, not necessarily by prison time like in Canada, German, or the […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Call on Patriots to Support Spencer at Auburn U & Expose the Zionist Power Behind Crisis of Western Mankind!
Download Today Dr. Duke talked about the value of free speech. Our Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, and many people take it as a given, but the fact is that any speech that is unacceptable to our Jewish overlords is punished severely, not necessarily by prison time like in Canada, German, or the […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Call on Patriots to Support Spencer at Auburn U & Expose the Zionist Power Behind Crisis of Western Mankind!
Download Today Dr. Duke talked about the value of free speech. Our Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, and many people take it as a given, but the fact is that any speech that is unacceptable to our Jewish overlords is punished severely, not necessarily by prison time like in Canada, German, or the […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Call on Patriots to Support Spencer at Auburn U & Expose the Zionist Power Behind Crisis of Western Mankind!
Download Today Dr. Duke talked about the value of free speech. Our Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, and many people take it as a given, but the fact is that any speech that is unacceptable to our Jewish overlords is punished severely, not necessarily by prison time like in Canada, German, or the […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Expose the Zionist Neocon Direction of Policy to North Korea that May Lead to World War!
Download Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery took an in-depth look at the geopolitical situation. Dr. Duke started the show by reviewing the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, which illustrates two parallels to the current situation. First, the brinksmanship was so precarious that had it not been for the veto of a single officer on […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Expose the Zionist Neocon Direction of Policy to North Korea that May Lead to World War!
Download Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery took an in-depth look at the geopolitical situation. Dr. Duke started the show by reviewing the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, which illustrates two parallels to the current situation. First, the brinksmanship was so precarious that had it not been for the veto of a single officer on […]
Dr. Duke & Dr. Slattery Expose the Zionist Neocon Direction of Policy to North Korea that May Lead to World War!
Download Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery took an in-depth look at the geopolitical situation. Dr. Duke started the show by reviewing the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, which illustrates two parallels to the current situation. First, the brinksmanship was so precarious that had it not been for the veto of a single officer on […]