White actor Harry Shearer is stepping back from voicing the Black Dr. Hibbert on “The Simpsons” after more than 30 years. While some fans are mourning his departure — the latest white actor to think better of playing non-white parts — others are shocked and surprised that Springfield’s favorite medical professional was as white as […]
Posts Tagged ‘shearer’
Clinton operatives Cody ‘Mr. Fixer’ Shearer and Sidney Blumenthal emerge on list of Russia collusion figures
February 5th, 2018 Awake Goy
A shadowy figure tied to the Clintons has suddenly emerged in the Trump-Russia collusion saga. His name is Cody Shearer, dubbed “Mr. Fixer” for Bill and Hillary Clinton and a workmate of fierce Clinton defender Sidney Blumenthal. Last week, his name surfaced in a letter to the Democratic National Committee from Sen. Charles E. […]