Secret encrypted letters written by Mary, Queen of Scots during her imprisonment in England have been decoded. Having been arrested and charged for plotting to murder her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I, on Feb. 8, 1587 AD, Mary, Queen of Scots was beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle in England. However, according to Marilee Hanson’s brilliantly researched 2013 […]
Posts Tagged ‘scots’
The Beautiful Casket that Killed Mary, Queen of Scots
Mary I of Scotland, or Mary, Queen of Scots is one of the most iconic monarchs in British history. She had an incredible impact on both Scottish and English history, and her life was one of tragedy, romance, and drama. Read more Section: Artifacts Other Artifacts News History Famous People Read Later Source Views: 0
David Rothschild: ‘Great Day’ for Scots to Leave UK, Rejoin EU, Make Harry and Meghan King and Queen
Economist David Rothschild welcomed news of the Queen’s ill health as an opportunity for Scotland to break with the United Kingdom, re-enter the globalist European Union, and coronate Meghan Markle and her husband Harry as co-monarchs. Views: 1
Ancient Scots Were Sometimes Born Apart But Buried Together
Nine ancient Scots were buried in a mass grave in eastern Scotland some 1,400 years ago. However, a new study in the Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences journal shows they were born in surprisingly distant regions. Professor Kate Britton of Aberdeen University is the lead author of a new study into the bodies, and she said […]
‘Gleichschaltung Gaslight’ – The Eradication of Scots Historical-Cultural Identity
Gaslighting Gilligan by Johnny McNeill – unpublished author of ‘Gaslighting Gilligan‘ (released via Berlin on 25th June 2017) National Trust Scotland ‘Trademarking’, Neil Oliver NTS appointment, the Culloden Housing Development & their collective role in ‘Gleichschaltung‘ – the (continuing) deliberate British State policy by gaslightomission of Scots cultural-historical identity. “Who controls the past controls the […]
How Scots and Catalans are looking to each other to ease their independence woes
The Saltire and the Estelada flags are almost always found together at marches in support of independence, be they down the Royal Mile, Edinburgh’s medieval thoroughfare, or along Barcelona’s tree-lined boulevard Las Ramblas. Such is the camaraderie between the two movements that comparisons between Scotland and Catalonia’s drive to determine their own national destinies abound […]
Malmström gets interrupted during TTIP speech in Belgium
From: In this video we see at a speech in Belgium, Malmström gets interrupted by signs and singing. Source: Source Article from Views: 0