Whether people here like David DuByne’s channel or not, this is a highly recommended video to watch. What it is known today as “antiquitech” was real, in fact, most of this “forgotten” technology has been hidden to us by the powers-that-jew in so many ways over the centuries that it really boggles the mind. I […]
Posts Tagged ‘schauberger’
In Service to Nature: Viktor Schauberger, “The Water Magician”
July 6th, 2017 Awake Goy
You’ve heard of Nikola Tesla right? He is the Serbian-American who invented among other things: radio, the fluorescent light, the hydroelectric dam, the a/c motor, remote control and even grid power. Tesla is the one who had his laboratory burnt down, his funding cut and the brilliant man who fed pigeons in Central Park during […]