Amidst the serene village of Amanbaev in the Talas Region of Kyrgyzstan, a momentous discovery has come to light which has been dubbed the Kyrgyzstan saber. Read more Section: Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘saber’
Unearthed Treasure: Saber Sword Found in Kyrgyzstan is a Medieval Marvel!
Saber Sword Found in Greek Monastery May Have Belonged to Turkish Pirates
The origins of a rare sword discovered in a Greek monastery has baffled Greek archaeologists. Read more Section: News History & Archaeology Read Later Views: 0
Early Hominins Competed with Saber-Toothed Cats 2 Million Years Ago
Homo erectus , literally upright man, is an extinct species of archaic human from the Pleistocene, first occurring 2 million years ago, and is widely identified as the first recognizable members of the genus Homo. In 2019, at the site called Orozmani, in Georgia, sustained excavation work and research has revealed artifacts and the fossilized […]
May the Force BEAT with You: Man thrown in prison for beating his mother with a light saber
(Natural News) A 42-year-old man from Pennsylvania is being charged with assault and harassment after his 75-year-old mother told authorities that he allegedly beat her with one of the Star Wars-inspired light sabers that he owns as part of an extensive collection of science fiction paraphernalia. Andrew Vargas, who reportedly still lives […]
McCain Takes U.S.-Korea Saber-Rattling To A New Level, Threatens “Extinction”
With the U.S. touting another round of unanimously-passed sanctions as the cure-all for the situation in North Korea (DPRK), there are grounds for concern that President Donald Trump himself may pose a major hurdle to their successful implementation. On Sunday, Trump told reporters that the sanctions were “just another very small step” and that they […]
Trump’s North Korea Saber Rattling Designed to Drum Up Business For U.S. Weapons Manufacturers
Comment: Trump’s bluster over N. Korea is just that, designed to drum up some business for defense contractors at the expense of the American taxpayer. Trump’s recent statements about N. Korea were therefore made while he was wearing his ‘marketing manager for Lockheed Martin’ hat. The Pentagon’s top weapons supplier, Lockheed Martin, says that […]
Saber-Rattling: Ukraine building up military presence and drills near Crimea
Crimea considers Kiev’s moves as an attempt to disturb the situation along the border. Ukraine is increasing the military presence of government forces near its borders with Russia’s Republic of Crimea, the head of Crimea’s government committee for inter-ethnic relations, Zaur Smirnov told Sputnik Thursday. “Kiev is building up military presence near our borders. […]
Four Days in a Las Vegas Jail for Protesting Government Murder by Drones
The following post was originally posted at the blog “Dissident Voice” under the title, “My Visit to a Las Vegas Jail” by Brian Terrell. It describes the experience Terrell had dealing with the Las Vegas “justice” system after having been arrested during an anti-drone protest at Creech Air Force Base, which is located just north […]
Iran counters Israeli and American saber rattling, says they might deploy military ships off US East Coast
Madison Ruppert,Activist Post Spet 28, 2011 According to the official Iranian state media agency (IRNA) the head of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, has threatened to send militaryships off the Atlantic Coast of the United States, representing a marked increase in tensions between Washington and Tehran. Sayyari reportedly said, “Like the arrogant powers that […]