(NaturalNews) Working inside the Karmanos-Crittenton Cancer Center in Detroit, a cancer criminal mastermind known as Dr. Farid Fata preyed upon innocent victims to pocket millions in profits from fraudulent cancer “treatments.” His strategy was rooted in pure evil: Falsely diagnose patients with cancer who didn’t really have cancer, then “treat” them with high-profit […]
Posts Tagged ‘runs’
Victims of Detroit cancer criminal awarded $8M in settlement… is the arrest of fraudster Dr. David Gorski next?
Intelligence Chief Warns France On The Brink Of Civil War
A senior security chief has warned that France is on the brink of a civil war which has the potential to spread like wildfire throughout the rest of Europe. Patrick Calvar, head of the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI), claims that the ‘extreme Right and the Muslim world’ have pushed people to their breaking […]
The Coming of the Tuatha de Danann to Ireland
By C. Austin (Adapted from Lady Gregory’s 1904 collection Gods and Fighting Men) It was on Beltaine, the first day of May, that the Tuatha de Danann, the people of the gods of Dana, came through the high air to Ireland. Although they landed in north-west Connacht, the Firbolgs, that were in Ireland before them, […]
India’s spice trade at risk, as pesticides and pathogens contaminate popular seasonings including turmeric, chili and pepper
(NaturalNews) Pesticides are causing serious problems all over the world. Most pesticides and herbicides, once taken up by the body, go to war with the endocrine system, blocking the body’s ability to regulate its own hormones. In India, these dangerous pesticides are beginning to contaminate the country’s most healthy, top export spices. Countries […]
Israeli Author to Le Monde: ‘We Live Under an Apartheid Regime’
“We live under an apartheid regime,” read the headline in Le Monde’s interview with Israeli author Ronit Matalon. The article, which was published on Sunday, drew public attention, with more than 1,500 readers sharing it on Facebook. The interview was held ahead of the publication of Matalon’s book, “The One Facing Us,” […]
Analysis: The North American Community Will Continue Integrating
A recent article in the New York Times written by Parag Khanna laid out the case for an emerging North American Union in what Khanna dubbed “A New Map for America.” The core analysis centered around the industrial, transport and energy integration of the continent between the United States, Canada and Mexico. A […]
Palestinians’ quasi-life
By Akram al-Satarri Ever since the drastic changes in the lives of Palestinians in 1948, the Palestinians in Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza and the diaspora, have been living a quasi-life moving from one refuge to another. A landslide majority of the Palestinians live outside Palestine in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and the diaspora at large. My […]
Leading the Lemmings
Dr. William Luther Pierce did not think too highly of the lemmings, but realized that they could become better people if they were led in the right direction. Video by Norsewolf. Ignore any misspellings. Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/leading-the-lemmings/ Views: 0
18 forbidden verses: German court bans most of Erdogan-mocking poem
The court order issued on Tuesday applies to the whole of Germany, Reuters reported. “Through the poem’s reference to racist prejudice and religious slander as well as sexual habits, the verses in question go beyond what the petitioner [Erdogan] can be expected to tolerate,” the Hamburg court wrote. The court said the decision was necessary […]
VIDEO: Venezuelan Mugger is beaten to the floor and burned alive by lynch mob after stealing from people
An alleged thief suffered the most brutal mob justice in Caracas, Venezuela, when he was beaten up and burned alive in the street. Roberto Fuentes Bernal, 42, was reportedly caught trying to mug passersby in the Venezuelan capital, and before police arrived at the scene, the crowd took the law into their […]
israel’s war on Palestinian children
About 2,070 Palestinian children have been killed, and more 13,000 injured since the outbreak of Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000, until this past March, official sources have reported, according to Al Ray. Israeli occupation forces detained more than 12,000 Palestinian children since 2000, while nearly 480 children are still languishing in Israeli prisons. Of them, almost 95% […]
Leaked IMF convo about ominous ‘event’ in Greece, ultimatum to Germany triggers Athens’ backlash
“The Greek government is demanding explanations from the IMF over whether seeking to create default conditions in Greece, shortly ahead of the referendum in Britain, is the fund’s official position,” Greek government spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili said in a statement cited by AFP. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras reportedly held an emergency meeting with key ministers on […]
Chief Jewish rabbi: ‘Non-Jews have no place in Palestine’
Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Youssef said on Saturday that “non-Jews have no right to live in occupied Palestine.” In his weekly preach, Youssef said: “Based on the Judaism, non-Jews have not right to live in Israel, occupied Palestine.” He added: “If the non-Jews do not commit to Noah’s heavenly law, we […]
Show This to a Clinton Supporter Before They Cast Their Vote (Part 1)
I was interviewing Patrick Wood as I was guest hosting on KHNC 1360 AM in northern Colorado. Pat and I both agreed that the Presidency and the Congress are beyond the reach of the American people and that we should focus on local politics in order to stave off globalist agendas such Agenda 21. However, […]
US Airstrike A Flagrant Violation Of Sovereignty Says Libya
Libya’s interim government has slammed US airstrikes on a suspected ISIS training camp saying that the unsanctioned bombardment was a grave violation of its sovereignty. US warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on an ISIS base in in Sabratha western Libya on Friday, targeting a leader linked to last year’s beach massacre in Tunisia. […]
US Airstrike A Flagrant Violation Of Sovereignty Says Libya
Libya’s interim government has slammed US airstrikes on a suspected ISIS training camp saying that the unsanctioned bombardment was a grave violation of its sovereignty. US warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on an ISIS base in in Sabratha western Libya on Friday, targeting a leader linked to last year’s beach massacre in Tunisia. […]
US Airstrike A Flagrant Violation Of Sovereignty Says Libya
Libya’s interim government has slammed US airstrikes on a suspected ISIS training camp saying that the unsanctioned bombardment was a grave violation of its sovereignty. US warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on an ISIS base in in Sabratha western Libya on Friday, targeting a leader linked to last year’s beach massacre in Tunisia. […]
US Airstrike A Flagrant Violation Of Sovereignty Says Libya
Libya’s interim government has slammed US airstrikes on a suspected ISIS training camp saying that the unsanctioned bombardment was a grave violation of its sovereignty. US warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on an ISIS base in in Sabratha western Libya on Friday, targeting a leader linked to last year’s beach massacre in Tunisia. […]
US Airstrike A Flagrant Violation Of Sovereignty Says Libya
Libya’s interim government has slammed US airstrikes on a suspected ISIS training camp saying that the unsanctioned bombardment was a grave violation of its sovereignty. US warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on an ISIS base in in Sabratha western Libya on Friday, targeting a leader linked to last year’s beach massacre in Tunisia. […]