Late Friday, OpenAI began to implode in a fashion quite unlike anything in the history of Silicon Valley. The organization, which has become famous around the world for its development of the AI chatbot ChatGPT and text-to-image program DALL-E, suddenly found itself in the middle of a Succession-like drama so chaotic, confounding, and fast-moving that […]
Posts Tagged ‘ridiculously’
Everything You Need to Know About the Ridiculously Chaotic ‘Coup,’ Implosion, and Counter-Revolution at OpenAI
Valyou’s Internet-Famous, Ridiculously Comfy Cloud Sofa Dupe Is $1,000 Off
Weddings, anniversaries, Baby’s first steps—there are many moments in life that we’ll never forget, including the day we sat on our first Cloud Sofa. When the now-GOATed Restoration Hardware couch first appeared in 2015, it swiftly made its way into the homes of celebrities such as Naomi Watts, Kendall Jenner, Kerry Washington, and other hot […]
Russophobic European Leaders Ridiculously Blame Russia For Everything—EVERYTHING!!!
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Russophobic European Leaders Ridiculously Blame Russia For Everything—EVERYTHING!!!
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Russophobic European Leaders Ridiculously Blame Russia For Everything—EVERYTHING!!!
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US Bombs Syria And Ridiculously Claims Self Defense
On orders of President Biden, the United States has launched an airstrike on a facility in Syria. As of this writing the exact number of killed and injured is unknown, with early reports claiming “a handful” of people were killed. Rather than doing anything remotely resembling journalism, the western mass media have opted instead to […]
We come in peace, really: ‘Operation Olive Branch’ and other ridiculously named military campaigns
This week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched a military campaign against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the enclave of Afrin, situated in northern Syria. Codenamed ‘Operation Olive Branch,’ it has failed miserably from the outset to live up to its name. First, considering that Ankara views the YPG as a bona fide […]
VAPING found to be vastly safer than smoking cigarettes, yet the FDA ridiculously claims they pose identical risks to health
(Natural News) A recent study published in the journal of Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis revealed that e-cigarettes do not cause cancer, unlike tobacco. The Action on Smoking and Health noted that nearly three million people in the U.K. use e-cigarettes. As part of the study, a team of researchers at London-based British American Tobacco examined laboratory cells exposed to emissions from […]
Climate change proponents ridiculously believe the Earth was a calm, peaceful planet until humans started burning fossil fuels
(Natural News) Researchers from Stanford University are doing their best to find a link between extreme weather events and climate change, but is it all for naught? While these researchers are admittedly conservative with their efforts, they are at least somewhat echoing the rhetoric that events like tornadoes are solely being caused by climate change. […]
A Dollar a Day
Editor’s note: Digger was not asked to make this suggestion. His support is appreciated. Polite Proposal: How about on the 14th of each month, each and every one of us sends off equivalent of $30 to the Renegade production team. My approach to donating is exactly like doing activism. We are far better off as […]
Doctors link mass suicides, schizophrenic episodes among farmers to pesticide exposure
(NaturalNews) Previous reports have linked mass suicides among farmers in India to mounting debt and crop failures as a result of GMO crops, particularly cotton, as it was forcibly converted to patented, transgenic varieties owned by large agrochemical companies. But now we’re learning that pesticide exposure may be to blame for a new […]