Posts Tagged ‘rey’

American College of Physicians encourages doctors to ‘counsel’ patients on guns and report data to third parties

(NaturalNews) The American College of Physicians, the second largest physician group in the U.S., is pushing doctors to question patients about firearm safety, as shown in a new report published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The report reminds doctors that the law doesn’t prevent them from asking patients about firearms, and encourages […]

Google Translate turns Russia into ‘Mordor’

Numerous screenshots of the mistakes surfaced online, showing “Russian Federation” being translated into “Mordor” and the surname of Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov becoming “sad little horse” when users tried switching their texts from Ukrainian to Russian on Monday and Tuesday. The problem was fixed midday Tuesday, but according to Ukrainian media, it persisted for […]

Jewish extremist leader wants ban on ‘vampire’ Christmas in Holy Land

From: Israeli anti-racism activists have called for an investigation after a Jewish extremist leader urged a ban on Christmas celebrations in the country and called Christians “vampires”. Benzi Gopstein, who heads the far-right Lehava organisation and has been arrested a number of times, made the comments in an article on […]

‘Pope Francis Will Resign in 2016 Following Argentina Visit’… Says Vatican Insider

Pope has transformed the Roman Catholic Church into a monstrosity that has nothing to do with teachings of Jesus Christ! ~ Leo Lyon Zagami – Video Last week I went to visit two of my most trusted sources in the Vatican, one a member of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and the Pontifical Equestrian […]

The Final Leaked TPP Text Is All That We Feared

Since we now have the agreed text, we’ll be including some paragraph references that you can cross-reference for yourself – but be aware that some of them contain placeholders like “x” that may change in the cleaned-up text. Also, our analysis here is limited to the copyright and Internet-related provisions of the chapter, but analyses […]

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