This Act, known as the Immigration Restriction Act, was passed by the Australian Parliament in 1901. It is headed ‘An Act to place certain restrictions on Immigration and to provide for the removal from the Commonwealth of prohibited Immigrants’. The Immigration Restriction Act 1901 is a landmark document of the first parliament of the Commonwealth […]
Posts Tagged ‘restriction’
The NEW anti-Covid restriction leaflet is now ready to download!
Help fight back against this tyranny – download the leaflet and get some printed. _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: If you like our work please consider to donate : Glutathione (most important for […]
Abortionists Get Supreme Court Backing to Sue Over Texas Restriction on Murdering Babies
(Courthouse News) WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court authorized Texas abortion providers on Friday to proceed in their challenge of the state’s near-total ban on abortions, a rule that will remain in place while the case proceeds. Issuing their decision just over a month after oral arguments, the justices still managed a split on somewhat ideological lines. Justice Neil Gorsuch […]
Calorie restriction can make you healthier… but there are a few things to consider first
(Natural News) Intermittent fasting and other restrictive diets are all the rage these days — and new research has shown calorie restriction can provide tremendous health benefits. The most comprehensive study of calorie restriction to date was just published in Cell Metabolism, and its findings show that a decreased food intake has a profound […]
Iowa City Under Fire For Using Zoning Restriction To Shutdown Church That Fed Homeless
A church in Davenport, Iowa, facing zoning restrictions related to its outreach program to feed the homeless, is appealing its local council and questioning the legality of the city’s regulations. This all stems from a cease and desist order they received — because feeding the homeless is not allowed when you’re zoned as a church. […]
ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…
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Proven Facts On Why Kefir Is A Healthier Choice Than Yogurt
Kefir is basically fermented milk. It can be animal based — using cow, goat, or sheep milk — or plant based — using rice, soy, almond, or coconut milk — but cow and goat milk yield the best results. Kefir is made from a culture called the kefir grain. This grain consists of lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and […]
URGENT ALERT — ‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"
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