When someone makes a student loan payment, their employer can contribute that same amount of money to the employee’s retirement plan under Section 110 of a federal law known as the SECURE Act 2.0. Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘repayments’
Your employer can now match your student loan repayments as 401(k) contributions
February 7th, 2024 Awake Goy
Undeletable Coercive Loan Apps First Hobble Then Shut Down Your Smartphone If You Fall Behind On Repayments
April 2nd, 2021 Awake Goy
The modern smartphone is a technological wonder, cramming into its compact form factor multiple functions — phone, pager, computer, camera, calculator, diary, multimedia player, radio, TV, clock, maps, GPS, voice recorder, eBook reader, gaming device, WiFi hotspot, flashlight etc. etc. — that required over a dozen separate devices a couple of decades ago. No wonder, […]
Venezuela Defaults on Foreign Debt Repayments
November 15th, 2017 Awake Goy
Venezuela Defaults on Foreign Debt Repayments November 15th, 2017 Via: Radio New Zealand: The ratings agency said the South American nation had failed to make $200m in repayments on its foreign debt. Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA has also been declared in default by […]