“Where people are a danger to society after they have served their time for conviction, as we do with sex and as we do with violent offenders… then they should be put into preventive detention.” -Dan Tehan, Intelligence and Security Committee, Australian Parliament, Dec 12, 2015 The change in Australian leadership, initiated by the prime minister’s […]
Posts Tagged ‘renminbi’
Google Wants to Patent a Blood-Sucking Smartwatch
Google Wants to Patent a Blood-Sucking Smartwatch December 5th, 2015 Via: Gizmodo: Just when you thought our data-driven lifestyles were getting a little weird, Google wants to make it creepy. The company just filed a patent application for a “needle-free blood drawâ€� device that […]
Google Wants to Patent a Blood-Sucking Smartwatch
Google Wants to Patent a Blood-Sucking Smartwatch December 5th, 2015 Via: Gizmodo: Just when you thought our data-driven lifestyles were getting a little weird, Google wants to make it creepy. The company just filed a patent application for a “needle-free blood drawâ€� device that […]
IDF excitedly plans autonomous killing machines: Unmanned convoys, underwater vehicles, hovercraft, robots, drones and gliders
Within no more than five years, autonomous robots are to join the ranks of the Israeli military on its most dangerous combat missions in the air, under the water and on the ground, an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) general claims. The Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv is looking forward to seeing unmanned logistics […]
The Full Text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
Source Article from http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-full-text-of-the-trans-pacific-partnership-tpp/5486887 Views: 0