Joe Biden emerged from his basement Thursday to lie his way through the final debate with President Trump, and boy were there some zingers. Watch the full debate here: On Coronavirus, Biden accused Trump of having “no comprehensive plan,” while declaring that he would mandate masks. Trump hit back, noting that Biden will lockdown the […]
Posts Tagged ‘reflected’
Pollster: “Hidden Voters” Not Reflected in Polls Will Secure Trump Re-Election
October 22nd, 2020 Awake Goy
Sunlight reflected from pavement injures plants, stunting their growth
May 6th, 2018 Awake Goy
(Natural News) On a really hot day, you can feel the heat rising from the pavement. And if it’s painful for you, it’s even more hurtful for plants that can’t move to shadier places. According to an article in the International Journal of Urban Forestry, pavements can re-radiate so much heat from reflected […]