In the heyday of the Ein Gedi spa in the 1960s, holidaymakers could marinate in heated pools and then slip into the briny Dead Sea. Now the same beach is punctured by craters. A spectacular expanse of water in the desert, flanked by cliffs to east and west, the Dead Sea has lost a third […]
Posts Tagged ‘receding’
“U.S. hegemony is receding into the past”
The Russian ambassador to Afghanistan has praised the Taliban’s conduct saying the group had made Kabul safer in the first 24 hours; than the city had been before. Dmitry Zhirnov described the Taliban’s overall approach as “good, positive and business-like.” Speaking to Russian media, Zhirnov said “Taliban members are already guarding our embassy as Afghan […]
Approaching a New Earth — The Fall of the Cabal
David Wilcock recently released a new article about the cabal’s inevitable demise, and as usual, it’s packed with information about the ‘cosmic drama’ as he calls it, that we’re going through. by Wes Annac I’ve followed David’s work for years, and he’s been a major force in my awakening and my interest in spirituality, extraterrestrials […]