U.S. Catholic bishops have approved the drafting of a “teaching document” that will rebuke President Joe Biden and other pro-abortion politicians for receiving Communion despite their support for the practice. by Cassandra Fairbanks The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the move, with 168 in favor and 55 against. It was announced on Friday at […]
Posts Tagged ‘rebuking’
Catholic Bishops Overwhelmingly Approve Move Towards Rebuking Biden and Other Pro-Abortion Politicians
June 20th, 2021 Awake Goy
Vatican warns U.S. bishops about rebuking Biden, other Catholic pols
May 11th, 2021 Awake Goy
Ladaria, in his letter, said any new policy “requires that dialogue occurs in two stages: first among the bishops themselves, and then between bishops and Catholic pro-choice politicians within their jurisdictions.” Even then, Ladaria advised, the bishops should seek unanimous support within their ranks for any national policy, lest it become “a source of discord […]