The Free Thought Project contacted the State police who declined to comment for this article and for the MLive report about ongoing investigations stemming from such social media surveillance, though police did say appropriate agencies would be notified should they be affected. “In the interest of protecting our residents, the MSP monitors any […]
Posts Tagged ‘ray’
Police Caught Spying on Social Media to Track Anyone Who Talks About Flint Water Crisis
US Plan To Deploy More Troops To Syria Will Worsen Crisis Iran Warns
As Iran pledges to continue support for the Syrian government, they have also warned that a US plan to deploy more troops to Syria will worsen the crisis. The Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Monday: “We have announced from the start of the Syria crisis that any foreign intervention in Syria without coordination with its […]
Netanyahu: The Ethnic Cleanser
The Ugly Truth “The longer he rules the closer the current iteration of the State of Israel will come to its own demise. As the Herut anthem goes: “by fire and blood did Judea fall and by fire and blood shall it rise again.” Strike the second half of that phrase. It is the first […]
Strange sounds heard in Nebraska City
Nebraska City residents in the Greggsport Addition are used to hearing trains whistle through the night, but sounds recorded at 11:34 p.m. on Feb. 21 were more akin to the mysterious Sounds of the Apocalypse circulating on the Internet and social media sites. YouTube posts since 2011 have captured mysterious noises, some seeming to […]
Video Released in 2013 Alabama Shooting of Cameron Massey
Cameron Massey was shot in October 2013 after trying to leave a traffic stop in his friend’s car. Originally the officers claimed to be in imminent danger but the newly released body camera footage contradicts their statements. Proving once again that cops are liars who should never be trusted. Officers cannot just shoot people based on […]
Cop Runs Stop Sign, Kills Other Motorist
Two weeks ago James H. Bissell resigned after being involved in a fatal on duty car accident last October. Bissell was driving through a residential area with his overhead lights on and ran a stop sign at an intersection notorious for accidents. Even now not much has been made public about the incident other than: Bissell blew […]
No, BBC, Jerusalem is not "Israel’s capital"
Amena Saleem Media Watch 17 December 2015 A separate and unequal reality for Palestinians in “united” Jerusalem. Mahfouz Abu Turk APA images The BBC’s reporting on Jerusalem does not always align with reality or the city’s status under international law. In October, its diplomatic editor Mark Urban called Jerusalem “Israel’s capital” during a broadcast of […]