1. Mohannad Halabi, 19, al-Biereh – Ramallah. Shot after allegedly grabbing gun and killing two Israelis. 10/3 2. Fadi Alloun, 19, Jerusalem. Israeli claim of ‘attack’ contradicted by eyewitnesses and video. 10/4 3. Amjad Hatem al-Jundi, 17, Hebron. 4. Thaer Abu Ghazala, 19, Jerusalem. 5. Abdul-Rahma Obeidallah, 11, Bethlehem. 6. Hotheifa Suleiman, 18, Tulkarem. 7. […]
Posts Tagged ‘qunaytra’
71 Palestinians, Including 12 Children, 2 Infants And A Pregnant Woman murdered by israel in October
November 1st, 2015 Awake Goy
Education under occupation: everyday disruption at a Palestinian university
October 15th, 2015 Awake Goy
Brendan Browne (TC) : As the clock moves towards 12.45pm I begin to anxiously await the flurry of emails that I’ve come to expect in advance of my 2pm class. The class is on law and human rights. Students email to say that a deterioration in the security situation means they must stay within the relative […]